Pawn 011

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Park Sandara

I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or what, but I was sure everything around me was dark. I couldn't see anything clearly, but I could hear a voice. It was clear to me, and sounded like music.

“You shouldn't have done that, Sandara.”

That voice. That gentle, cold voice. It was familiar.

“You could have gotten hurt . . . and that was stupid. Do you know what would happen if you hurt any of us?”

I wanted to ask him why, but I couldn't find my voice.

“I want to give you a bad punishment, the kind of punishment I usually do . . . but seeing you like this . . . I guess it would have to wait then. Consider yourself lucky.” The voice sighed.

Fear crept at my body when I heard those words. Punishment? So that explains Bom's panic when I told her about what I did to Daesung.


“Daesung is as shocked as hell when Seunghyun gave him all the details, and he's quite impressed. And he's fine, by the way. Just caused a not-so-bad left wrist and some bruises, but he heals quickly. You're very lucky.”

I sighed with relief. Good thing I didn't hurt him that bad, then.

But why is this voice telling me all this? And it's really familiar . . .

“It's good to finally see you close, Sandara. But be careful next time. You still don't know everything. And it doesn't mean the fact Seungri, Taeyang and Daesung sees you as a friend, you will be shielded from all those monsters.”

I felt somebody tuck my hair behind my ear . . . and something warm and soft against my forehead . . . it smelled like the scent of the forest kissed with sunlight . . . who was he?

Keep safe, Sandara. Run away when you see monsters as fast as you can.”

And with that, Jiyong's voice and presence faded away.

I woke up with a jolt, my eyes quickly scanning my surroundings. I was still inside the clinic and Bom was sleeping on the chair, her head resting on the table. The nurse must be somewhere . . . but had Jiyong dropped by?

I shook my head. Maybe it was all just a dream.

“She's awake, dude!” a deep voice boomed. Uh, to whom was he referring?

“Dara's awake?” That voice was familiar. Oh gosh—Daesung!

I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to sleep. I can't face him yet for what I did!

I guess I was a bad actress because I heard the deep voice again saying, “And I think she's embarrassed of what she did to you, because she's pretending to be asleep.”

I heard footsteps approaching me, and I almost called all the saints and the angels to please, please, let it not be Kang Daesung.

“Relax, Dara. I'm not mad at you,” he said cheerfully.

I cracked one eye open, and I saw him smiling that angel's smile. He was sitting on one stool near my bed. His left wrist had some kind of cast in it. Uh, because of the sprain?

“Although,” he continued, “I'm quite feeling bad that you've been avoiding me for the past four days. Had I done something wrong?” He sounded sad.

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