Emperor 005

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Emperor 005 – Beautiful Danger

[Flashback Chapter – refer to Pawn 010 (Park Sandara POV]

I sat alone in my room in the headquarters, staring at the ceiling. I wasn't in the mood to be with anybody

else—or more like I don't want to be in the midst of people for a while. I want to clear my head for a while after

what I'd witnessed in the cafeteria earlier.

I was on my way to the cafeteria along with Seungri and Daesung right after our respective classes.

Daesung looked like he was dejected or something, which was quite new to me. Seungri obviously was worried

about him, but he kept silent. Daesung kept on sighing, as if there was something troubling him.

“Anything that worries you, Daesung?” I finally asked.

He shook his head. “None, hyung.” But his face and aura betrayed him.

I shrugged, knowing what he actually meant. It was a problem he wanted to keep for himself for a while.

When we were just meters away from the cafeteria, Taeyang and Seunghyun met us, the latter frowning

when he saw Daesung's face.

“Hey,” Seunghyun said. “What's with the face, Daesung-ah?”

Daesung just shook his head, his eyes suddenly looking at something far away. Taeyang seemed to get

the message, and told Seunghyun, “Daesung's got a problem he wants to face alone—for a while.”

Seunghyun frowned. “I don't like the sound of it.”

We then proceeded to buy food. I noticed Daesung was really out of it because he ordered nothing but

potato crisps. Curiosity raged through me, but I held it back. I knew better than to ask him further.

We sat at our usual place at the cafeteria, Seungri, Taeyang and Seunghyun talking among themselves.

Daesung just picked at his crisps, now looking as if he was in deep thought.

“Why is she ignoring me?” I thought I heard him say.

That's when something happened that kind of made my day a fizz.

Seungri was about to open his mouth—to talk to Daesung, perhaps—but Seungri's eyes were focused

on my back. He was sitting across from me, so I wondered what made him suddenly look alert.

I didn't have to think though. I knew something was about to hit me.

Before that something could hit me, I quickly ducked, spun out of my chair and kicked the poor boy

behind me in his stomach. He groaned in pain and lost his hold on the metal tube.

My eyes narrowed. This bastard was about to hit me with a metal tube?

Seunghyun whistled. “Looks like somebody wants to hit you dead, Dragon Emperor.”

Taeyang snorted. “As usual.”

“I—I I wasn't going to hit Kwon Jiyong-ssi,” the guy said as he looked at the five of us. His words

sounded convincing, but his eyes said otherwise.

“Who are you?” Taeyang asked, his eyes now cold.

The guy paled. Huh. Taeyang's monstrous side.

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