Pawn 033

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Park Sandara

I don't know how many minutes, or hours probably, had passed, while I drove the speedboat in the middle of this vast body of water. The GPS was only telling me the direction towards an island nearby, and I was following it. But I'm not going to Jeju, that's for sure.

I just floored the accelerator, hoping that I'll be really safe wherever this boat is taking me.

It was late afternoon when I reached the island's shore. I stopped the engine and jumped off, the exhaustion from all those events staring to take its toll on me. I shook my head, trying to make myself focus as I stared at the environment before me.

It was beyond . . . breathtaking, actually. There were lots of tall trees and fronds and . . . well, it's actually really green, save for the soft white sand on my feet, and nearby stones with a thin edge of snow. I looked around, wondering if there would be a cottage to stay for the night. At my right, there seemed to be a trail, so I walked towards it.

As I walked, all I could only see were forest trees, pines, ferns and some traces of mist. I wasn't exactly sure if I was already lost; the trail was only going to one direction. When I realized that the gray sky was slowly darkening, I walked faster despite the growing cramps in my legs and the grumbling of my stomach.

The trail finally ended, and I was stunned when I saw a large wooden house right in front of me. It had floor-to-ceiling windows up front, giving me a peek on the house's interior. There were flowering plants around the house, giving it a tropical look, and a staircase leading to a pair of French doors. I think it's practically in the middle of a forest, because we were surrounded by tall, sturdy trees like maple and pine.

I trudged up the stairs, wondering if there was anyone inside. I knocked on the door, but nobody answered. Worn-out from running, shooting, driving and walking all the way to this island, I sat in front of the door and closed my eyes.

Third Person POV

"I hope she was able to arrive there safely," Ji Hyun muttered as she shook off dust and washed up the blood in her trench coat. She'd just finished killing all of the men thanks to guns and a borrowed katana, and now she was burning their bodies she's piled in a heap. She then tied her red hair into a ponytail and called him.

"I was about to call you," he answered after the first ring.

"No need for that, sir," she grinned. "By the way, she's on her way as we speak."

"On her way to where?"

"To that island," she suddenly slapped her forehead with her palm. "Ah cow, I forgot to give her the directions! Aish, I hope she won't get lost."

"Tsk, Ji Hyun. I might lower your rank if you keep on doing that," he said in a teasing tone.

She gasped in surprise, her phone almost slipping in her hand.

That teasing voice. It's been so long . . .

"What?" he prompted after a minute.

"Oh my god, she's a miracle," she whispered. "Are you . . . is it still you?"

He sighed. "He's not very far away, Ji Hyun-ah. Not far."

She smiled half-wistfully. "Well, yeah, I know that. But you better get to the island soonest. I forgot to leave the door open, sorry."

He chuckled. "That's okay. And oh, Ji Hyun . . ."


" . . . Thank you. For saving her. I owe you a lot for this." He said sincerely, and Ji Hyun almost teared up.

For the first time in so many years, his voice never had that freezing feel.

"No worries," she said, her voice thick. "But, uh, I have to tell you, it's weird but she has a way with guns. It's like she'd been taught at an early age—do you think she's . . .?"

"TOP-hyung has his theories," he muttered. "Right now, you better go back here in Seoul soonest. They need your help here."

"They?" she couldn't hide the giddy grin in her lips.

"Yes, they. I have to go the island and . . . well, protect her."

She could sense the unease in his voice, and something else . . .

"Ah. Protect her, okay? Don't do anything rash—and if ever you can't help it, please have some protection, neh?" her grin widened as she skipped towards her car.

"KWON JI HYUN!" he growled, and she laughed. She knew she'd flustered him somehow, especially if it concerns Dara.

"But oppa, I wouldn't mind if ever I learned I'll have a nephew or niece—but much better if it's a niece. Bye!" she giggled as she ended the call, completely blocking out her brother's protests.

Dara-unnie . . . you're really the best thing that happened to him. Please make him truly happy. Please be happy with each other. Aigoo . . . .

He loves her that much, doesn't he?

Minutes later, he arrived at the island with his own speedboat. He saw the black speedboat—most probably the speedboat she'd used—and his heart thumped unevenly. Shaking his head, he moved them to a secluded area, and started to walk to the house.

He froze in his tracks, his heart skipping a beat when he saw it.

It was still the same house, the same wooden house his father had built for him and Ji Hyun many years ago, only it looked weathered by time. Only this time . . .

He walked slowly towards the house, his eyes on the girl that changed his life. He knelt on one knee and carried her, bridal style, and rose up to open the door.

Jiyong looked at her sleeping face, her lips slightly parted. Unable to contain himself, he traced her cheeks with his nose and kissed her forehead.

"You're safe now, butterfly," he murmured, an unconscious wide smile on his lips.

Park Sandara

I fluttered my eyelids, feeling myself wake. My eyes opened, and I was suddenly wrapped with warmth and the smell of . . . food?

I rose up, rubbing my eyes, and tried to focus on my surroundings. The room was filled with warm light and fire was crackling on the hearth. Outside, night had already fallen, the stars twinkling.

"I see you've already woken up," a cool voice said, and I turned. He was looking at me intently, his eyes warm as he held a bowl of food in his hands. "Want some dinner with me?"

I blinked, heat rushing in my cheeks. "J-Jiyong?"

He smiled, and my heart skipped a beat. "Hi."


PS. Is it abnormal for an author to get giddy while typing? ><

PPS. But those Daljiyong moments . . . either they'll start early for real or I'll be such a troll. Depends~

PPS. Sorry for the too-long time of not-updating  >.<]

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