Emperor 007 (Thinking of You)

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Jiyong stared out in the Seoul's night sky from the headquarters' window, sipping his glass of white wine every now and then. Snow was starting to fall; he wondered how it would feel on his uncovered hands. Probably stinging cold; as cold as he is, he supposed. If Youngbae or TOP could read his mind, they'd probably disagree. Maybe say something that he wasn't as cold as before . . .

He sighed, knowing they were right. He wasn't the same as before. Ever since that girl stumbled into his life . . .

His thoughts were suddenly clouded with images of her smiling and laughing along with her friends, having a good time. Images of her staring back at him, her eyes soft but wary. . . images of her stunned in fear as she saw his dark, monstrous side . . . He flinched.

He was missing her so much, he knew that. It was kind of wrong in a way, but it felt so . . . right. It completed him in a strange way . . . made him feel whole, somehow. He never expected it would hit him hard, ever since that night he walked away from the clinic when she asked him to go away.

He stared up at the stars, a bitter look in his face. He wanted to have her freely, without the complications of the underground world. Stay with her without worrying what would happen to her for having an involvement with a high-profile gangster. Have her . . . without worrying about what would happen next.

Hell, he thought. Damn it to hell. This attraction . . . is so right and so wrong at the same time.

His phone rang, stopping his train of thought. "G-Dragon." he said, answering it.

[I found her.] The voice said. His heart warmed all of a sudden, realizing what the Shadow meant.

"Thank you," he breathed. "Look after her for me."

[No problem about that. Good night.] Click.

At least he was reassured that she would be safe. She would enjoy her stay at Busan without the gangsters trying to have her. She would be free . . .

He wondered what she would look like as she had her fun in the snow. . .

He almost had his picture complete when his phone rang again. He cussed as he answered it.

"G-Dragon," he snapped.

[Tch. I know, moron. Are you spacing out again?] It was TOP.

He shook his head, realizing that his hyung guessed right. "How did you know?"

[You snap like that whenever you'd just woken up from a daydream. Anyway, what's bothering you?]

He sighed. "Sandara," he finally breathed, after debating internally with himself.

[Ah. Missing her, eh?]

GD smiled. "You don't know how much, hyung."

TOP chuckled silently, understanding how Jiyong felt. [Relax, Ji. She'll be fine. Someone's checking her, right?]

"I know that, hyung. It's just that . . ."

[You can't help but wish it was you guarding her right now.] TOP completed his sentence.

GD chuckled humorlessly. "Sometimes I wonder how much you know me, hyung."

[Oh please, Ji. We'd been together for a long time now. You think it'd be hard for me to know you?]

"Don't remind me about that, hyung."

TOP laughed out loud. [Okay, okay, I get your mood. If you want me or everybody up there, remember we're just a call away. I'll leave you alone first. Bye!] He hung up.

GD smiled once again to himself as he stared outside the window. He felt lucky that he had an older 'brother' that he can rely on, as well as the rest of the boys. They might be tough on the exterior, but in truth, they were just another gang of boys who can be not gangsters. If only she knew that . . .

He drank the rest of his wine and sat on the bed, the same bed where he sang Sandara to sleep when she had a nightmare. Even if it had happened months ago, he swore he could still feel her warmth and her strawberry-and-lilac scent on the covers.


A/N: I basically ran out of ideas so I wrote this up. Gosh, I'm afraid I got too cheesy >< And can I share something? 2NE1's 'Missing You' was playing in my head when I wrote Emperor 007, and the MV just flitted in my head—thus all that snow. Geuriwohaeyo~

PS. This would be my last update FOR NOW. I'll have to put this story on hold for a number of days—or weeks, I don't know. I have to finish my articles first for the college paper. I'll do my best to comeback soon~ And anyhoo, I guess this is unnecessary since y'all are used to me updating late XD

I'll be back after I calm down—I just watched the our trailer of BIGBANG. Heol XD

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