Emperor 009 - The Sides' Perspective

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"WHAT!?" the gang leader exclaimed in anger upon hearing his men's words. "Where the holy f-ck is she!?"

"W-we don't know, sir," the team leader stuttered, seeing the undiluted fury in the man's eyes. "We tracked that car the Shadow used, but apparently . . ."

"BULLSH-T!" the gang leader threw the glass to the wall, the shards now littering the floor. "F-ck you, Kwon—curse you to hell!"

The men cowered in fear as the gang leader walked around in anger, his fists shaking violently. Damn you, Kwon Jiyong! Damn you to Hades!

"Sir Jaejoong!" another man's voice boomed through the hall, and everyone looked towards the direction of the voice. The man was the gang leader's—Jaejoong's—most trusted right-hand man, Yoochun.

"Please calm down," Yoochun added, trying to placate his master.

"Calm down!? How the hell will I ever calm down, Yoochun!? That bloody bastard—he has the f-cking heiress with him!" Jaejoong growled.

"Jaejoong," Yoochun said calmly, "Do try to remember that you know a lot about Sandara Park. Even if the Dragon Emperor has the heiress, do you think he will be able to squeeze more about her? I doubt the girl knows who she truly is."

Jaejoong fell silent, trying to digest everything that Yoochun told him. He was right, the fact that he knew more about her was no bluff when Jaejoong once told Sandara about it. Not to mention that the Dragon Emperor, G-Dragon, would probably just use her for his own benefit anyway. To be more and more powerful than he already is . . .

Images of his past flashed on his mind, making him clench his hands into fists once more. That Kwon . . . I'm going to make him pay for what he's done!

"You're right," Jaejoong muttered through gritted teeth. "But still, find the heiress! I have to have her—now!"

"Understood," the men said in unison before they disappeared. Yoochun stayed behind, though.

"Are you really sure about this, Jae? Don't make rash decisions when you're this mad, please."

"I don't f-cking care," Jaejoong hissed. "If he hadn't just interfered the night I almost had her . . ."

"Ah. The night when you dispatched Il Woo, yes?"



That night, while Jaejoong was thinking of ways to get the heiress to his lair, Yoochun proceeded to his study. He opened one of the drawers and grabbed the tiny notebook. The tiny notebook that kept his tiny secrets . . . tiny, dark secrets. Secrets that he will never draw out . . . except for one person.

She really is alive, huh, he thought as Sandara's face flitted in his mind, when he saw her back at YGU. He was actually watching out for Jaejoong, a bit worried that he might lose his temper. Especially that the university seemed to be one of the Black Elite's lairs.

She's beautiful . . . a beautiful, sweet nightmare. He smiled twistedly as he scanned through the notebook's pages. I wonder, does she even know what kind of a monster she is for those two gangsters? No, does she even know who she truly is? And what kind of power she has?

He sighed and returned the notebook back to the drawer. I doubt it.

"But, sweet Sandara . . ." he whispered at the nothingness, "You will be the reason behind the success of my plans. And I, Park Yoochun . . ." he chortled darkly.

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