Pawn 004

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Park Sandara

As soon as class ended, I quickly rushed out of the room, focused on escaping from those Big Bang guys as much as possible. Even though I honestly liked Daesung's warmth and cheerfulness, I had sort of a gut feeling that I will be in the biggest danger of my life if I befriended them. Not to mention Kwon Jiyong . . .

“YAH! Dara!” somebody called my name. I turned, and realized it was Bom.

I waved at her and she immediately skipped to me amidst the throng of people. It was amazing that the students gave her  room as she passed by. Is she famous here or something . . .?

“So how was class?” she asked as she looped her arm around mine.

I sighed and smiled at her as we walked. “It was . . . fine,” I said weakly. I wasn't sure that bumping the gizibe—I mean CL at the hallway and meeting three sort-of-creepy guys would count at the 'fine' category.

She paused midstep and looked at me. “Are you okay?” she asked, worried.

I sighed. “I . . . I'm fine,” I lied, looking away.

She heaved a breath and shook her head. “You really suck at lying, Park Sandara. Tell me—what's wrong?”

I grinned humorlessly. “I don't think this can be talked on the school's hallways though.”

She took a look around us and rolled her eyes. “Fine, then.” And in a louder voice she said, “These people are so dull—they freaking live on gossip! Can't they get a life and leave innocent people alone?!”

Some of the students flinched and scampered away from us—I mean from Bom. Bom then huffed and proceeded to our class as she talked about her first class, how boring her professor was, etc.

I just listened and nodded along, asking her every now and then.

Finally, we arrived at the class, and everyone grew quiet when they saw us. All eyes were on us, on me especially, as Bom and I took a seat.

Bom rolled her eyes. “Guess they're still talking about what happened earlier—which maybe”, she lowered her voice, “is the reason why you seem so upset. Am I right?”

My eyes widened, and I looked down. “Yeah,” I finally said.

Bom looked around the class and frowned. “Ears are everywhere. You tell me at lunch, 'kay?” she turned to look at me, her eyes still worried as she looked at me.

I smiled. She was still the same old Bom I'd known when we were still kids. “Okay.”

She smiled brightly and pressed my hand.

The professor then arrived, hugging her things. She was a tall, elegant lady and I think every male in the class ogled at her.

“Hello everyone. I'm your professor for this subject. Call me Professor Gummy, okay?” she said, smiling.

We all nodded. She seemed nice and wonderful . . .  and smart.

“Okay . . .  are all of the students here?” She asked, mostly to herself as she scrolled through the list.

“Wait!!” a female's voice squealed as somebody ran inside the room. I gasped, realizing it was Lee Chaelin—I mean CL. She was huffing as she leaned on the doorframe, seeming to forget where she is.

Bom gasped, and laughed. “Seriously, CL?!” she asked between her silent laughter.

I looked at her in surprise. “You know her?” I asked, surprise and disbelief in my tone. I never knew she knew CL . . .

“Sure. She was my classmate way back in high school,” she replied, shaking her head as she looked at CL. “Why? You know her?”

I looked down, blushing as I remembered what happened earlier. “Yeah,” I mumbled.

I heard somebody walking up to us, and when I looked up, I saw CL's tired but still smiling face. Amazing that her make-up didn't smudge thanks to sweat. Maybe she was using waterproof make-up.

“Hey,” she huffed. “Mind if I sit beside Dara?”

Bom's eyes widened before she chuckled and gave her room. “Sure! Just don't bite.”

CL grinned before she went to sit beside me. “Hi Dara,” she greeted me.

“Um, hi,” I greeted back shyly.

Bom snickered. “Really, Chae. You should seriously rid yourself of your 'baddest' aura. Even my cousin's kind of shy towards you.”

“She's your cousin?! Really, Bom, nice joke,” CL rolled her eyes and winked at me.

“Yah!” Bom protested. The professor called her attention (earning snickers from me and CL) before she started her class.

After an hour or so, the three of us went out of the hall and both of them snaked an arm on each of my arms.

“Uh . . . guys?” I asked questioningly. “What are you doing?”

They grinned at me. “We're going to the canteen! Please?” they pouted.

I didn't know why but I suddenly burst out laughing. For some unknown reason, I felt so light with them. Even though I was between a tamed lioness and a noisy doll.

“All right,” I finally complied. “You thank me it's my vacant.”

“YEY!” they cheered before they dragged me to the canteen. Of course, every eye was on us, but this time, I didn't care. I could already feel that despite CL's reputation and Bom's . . . well, disposition, they were nice and kind.

Though one part of me was saying CL's presence is more like a foreboding on something . . .

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