Pawn 028

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Lee Chaelin

(time frame: while BIGBANG's finishing up their business in Seoul's 'gang areas')

I gingerly adjusted the hood of my brother's sweater as I squeezed myself inside the train station, trying my best to look inconspicuous. It was kind of hard though; the dark paranoia that somebody might recognize me never failed to make me freeze and shudder, despite the fact I was wearing my brother's clothes (which are bigger than my size) plus I'd dyed my hair black and removed my usual eye makeup.

Gosh, if only he came with me! That thought made my eyes water again as our conversation moments ago surfaced in my brain once more.

["But why won't you go with me?!" I demanded as he packed my stuff in my backpack.

"They need me, Chaelin—I need to do my duty, for heaven's sake. Be reasonable!" he hissed.

"I can't go alone, Seung—"

"WELL I CAN'T BEAR TO LOSE YOU AGAIN, SO EVEN IF IT KILLS ME YOU HAVE TO ESCAPE! DAMN IT, CHAELIN—I CAN'T ENDURE ANOTHER LOSS; I'LL GO CRAZY!" he snarled at me, his eyes burning with emotions. Emotions I have never seen ever since we started our life in Seoul.]

Seungri . . . Seungri-oppa . . . I sniffed. I hope he's okay, wherever he is.

A couple of minutes later, the train arrived, and I quickly hopped inside. I adjusted my sunglasses and face mask, the fear of anyone recognizing me chilling me to the bone.

As much as I would want to sit, I can't. Seungri always reminded me that if ever I'm hiding from someone, I should be blending in with a lot of people. I wonder if it also works for someone who isn't a gangster, like me.

Traveling to Busan from Gwangju only took a few hours, so when the train stopped at the Busan station, I half-ran towards and out the door. I looked around, especially if there would be anyone suspicious. Finding none, I sighed with relief.

My relief was only cut short when I realized there are no cabs waiting outside the station. Damn it!

Wait, I'm in Busan . . . and Dara-unnie is, too. I quickly fished my phone from my pocket and turned it on—

DAMN IT. I forgot to charge my phone earlier. Aish!

Panic was slowly creeping to my consciousness once more, and I tried to focus so I can think of a plan. C'mon, Chaelin, be Seungri's twin sister! Think, think, think!

I scanned the area, looking for a pay phone, and luckily I found one. I walked towards it, and asked the ahjumma if I can use it. Thankfully she agreed (1000 won for thirty minutes, what the hell) and I quickly punched Bom's number.

Aw hell. How come the female on the other line said she can't be reached?!! BLOODY HELL. How can I even be safe here?!!!

Sometimes I can't help thinking of ways to kill my brother. Why on earth would he send me to this goddamned place?!

"Excuse me," I asked the ahjumma. "Do you know any inns or hotels here?"

"Ah sure," she replied, and she gave me the names of the inns and hotels where I may stay for a while, especially for a female tourist like me.

"But be careful, dear," she added. "I don't know, but there are some dark elements of this city that I don't wanna mention. Stay safe, and keep your wallet and cards with you. Pickpockets always attack the city at this time of the year."

"Thank you," I said fervently and bowed at her. She smiled and bowed back.

I turned and quickly called a cab that I first saw. It screeched to a halt towards me and I quickly jumped in after I put my backpack on the back seat. I gave a certain hotel's address to the driver breathlessly and he quickly revved the engine. But there was something off . . . to the point that I want to get out of this cab right now.

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