Pawn 022

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Park Sandara

This morning, I decided to shop for food at the nearest grocery shop. Anyway, omma and Sanghyun were kind of busy—Sanghyun is still finishing up some school stuff while omma's busy at the streets of Seoul, checking out the shops for some thick clothes for the upcoming winter. The shop owner was surprised to see me again, actually. He and his wife updated me about all the things that happened in Busan while I was in Seoul. I, on the other hand, shared my experiences in Seoul as a student and being with Bommie. They seemed delighted about it and wished me luck on my studies. I bade them goodbye and headed out.

Two steps out from the shop, I accidentally bumped into someone. Not again!

"Whoops, sorry!" I heard someone squeak. From my peripheral version, I saw a girl as small as I am wrapped thickly with winter clothes pick up all the groceries. I shook my head and helped out.

"Sorry, sorry!" she kept on saying, her eyes glued on the ground as she picked up the cans.

"No—it's fine," I reassured her, but she didn't seem to hear me because of her ear muffs.

When the groceries were packed back again to the cloth bag, I quickly stood up, dusting my clothes and gave her a hand. She took it, but she was still looking down.

"Hey," I said, chuckling lightly. "It's okay, swear. Being bumped isn't new to me, since I can get so clumsy."

Her head inched up a bit. "Really?" I heard her mumble.

I touched her arm. "Yeah. I'm sorry, too. I should've been watching."

This time, I could see half of her face; the other half was covered by a thick scarf. Her hair was a brilliant river of red and her cheeks were pink from the cold. But her eyes . . .  aish, what is it with her eyes?

"I'm sorry, unnie." She mumbled, he voice muffled, and then bowed as she took off her ear muffs. "Please make me make it up to you by bringing your stuffs."

"Oh, no. Thank you, but I'm actually fine."

Her eyes were suddenly pleading . . . and controlling at the same time. I don't know, maybe it's just from the dizziness . . . "No, unnie. I am going to take them back to your house—just tell me where."

I sighed, realizing I may not be able to win at this argument. "Fine, fine—you can at least carry half of it."

I guess she beamed—I don't know; her eyes crinkled anyway—as she took half of my load. She then adjusted her scarf, so I saw around three-fourths now of her face.

 "Excuse me, but are you from Busan?" I asked her as we walked home.

"Ah, no, unnie," she replied. "I am actually having some break here. My place is so dull when it's snowing."

"Where are you from? Ah-sorry, I shouldn't have asked that," I quickly apologized, realizing I was talking to a complete stranger.

"Nah, it's okay. Anyway, I don't tend to stay at a place for a long time—kinda like a nomad. I love to travel, you see. They say it's quite weird for a girl like me, but what can they do? I love places!" she gushed. "As for where I'm from . . . I'm from my school dorm somewhere north, taking a vacay for the holidays."

"And what brings you here in Busan? There are lots of places where you can go."

"Oooh, actually, I am busy looking for something here," her eyes sparkled as she looked at me. "Something I'd probably serve as a memento that I'd been here."

"Seashells?" I suggested.

She laughed. "If it's summer here, why not? Anyhoo, I am still looking. By the way, I forgot to ask, unnie—are you from here?"

"Ah yeah. I'm home for the holidays. You know, winter break from school."

"Ahh," she nodded to herself, smiling. "And then you'll be back there when break's over."

"Yeah. I need to catch up on studies, I suppose."

We finally reached my house, and then I put down what I bought in front of the gate so I can open it. I beckoned her to come inside and asked her to drop the bags on the countertop.

"Thanks for helping," I said. "You kinda lightened the burden, I'll admit."

"It's okay," she said, waving her hand dismissively. "Best thing I can do to make up for ya, unnie."

"Do you like to stay for some hot beverage?"

"Ah, no, thanks. I'd just checked the time—it's time for me to go back to the hotel and check out if any of my friends called regarding school."

I led her out of the house and almost bade her goodbye when I grabbed her arm gently.

"Wait, what's your name?" I asked her.

She smiled that kind of smile that would warm you up and chill you at the same time. "Name's Jaeyoung. Song Jaeyoung. And you must be—?"

 "Sandara. Park Sandara. But just call me Dara-unnie."

"Park Sandara. Dara-unnie. Okay," she said and beamed. "It's really nice to meet you, Dara-unnie! I hope we'll meet soon again. Whoops—gotta go, bye!" She hopped off as she waved goodbye.

"Bye!" I hollered, and went back inside to fix the groceries.

Weird. Why do I feel like me knowing Song Jaeyoung . . . will bring more complications? And her face, it's so familiar . . . why hadn't I asked her about it?


Phone buzzing.


"How was it?" The voice on the other line asked.

"All clear," she told the voice. "Got the basics."

"Good," the voice said. "Thanks."

"No problem," she reassured her. "And by the way, she's such a goddess. Now I get it. You moron."

The voice chuckled.


A/N: Anyone wondering who Song Jaeyoung is? :D

     And sorry not sorry for the short update. Gonna make it up to you guys soon~

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