Pawn 002

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Park Sandara

“Wow,” I breathed as I entered the campus. “It’s . . . wide and large.”

Bom chuckled. “I know, right? Get used to it—it’ll be your school for five years.”

I frowned. “Too large to get used to.”

She patted my shoulder. “I’ll bet that you won’t. You have a great sense of direction, remember?”

I smiled. She was right, anyway. I’d had that odd thing in me ever since when we kids. I never got lost in a place that I’d just been—I’d always find the way out. Omma said that I probably got it from Appa . . .

“Let’s go!” she said excitedly as she grabbed my arm. We went then to the registrar’s window to get our respective class schedules. As soon as we got it, she quickly grabbed mine before I could even read it. I sighed.

“Cool!” she exclaimed, beaming. “We have three classes together!”

“Really?” I asked as I took a peek. She was right—I have a class with her in the morning and two in the afternoon.

“It’s too bad we didn’t have the first class together, though.” She pouted.

“I’ll make it up to you on my vacant time,” I reassured her.

She beamed again, reminding me of a blooming spring flower. “Thanks, Dara-ah. Whoops—gotta go for my first class!” She gave me a quick peck on my cheek and ran out. “See ya, Dara-ah!” she hollered.

I chuckled to myself. Bommie never changed, I supposed. She really had that loud voice ever since when we were still kids back in Busan.

Seeing that I had 20 minutes before my class starts, I quickly made my way to my assigned rooms.

I noticed, every student here wore fashionable stuff from head to toe. Girls wore chic heels and boys wore cool shirts. I suddenly felt out of place in my white shirt under a faded maong blazer, dark pants, sneakers and eyeglasses. I just used those glasses for reading purposes way back in high school, but I already got used to wearing it every day.

“Oh gosh, is she new here?”

“Freshman, obviously.”

“Does she ever live here in Seoul?! She doesn’t dress like one!”

“Out of the city, maybe?”

I sighed. I hadn’t realized people were like this. How come Bom never warned me about this one so maybe I could have prepared—



I didn’t realize I’d actually bumped into someone until I found myself sitting on my butt—and saw a girl in front of me, wincing in pain.

She was beautiful—no, gorgeous. Her long blond hair flowed down to her back and her eyes reminded me of a cat’s. She was wearing . . . a rather strange outfit compared to the others, but it looked good on her.

Realizing our predicament, I quickly picked up her things scattered on the floor, doing my best to stack it neatly as she also did the same with mine, I think.

“Oh God she’s so dead.”

“Doesn’t she know whom she bumped with?!”

“Poor wimp. Of all she can bump into . . .”

“She’d bumped with the gizibe. Tsk.”

“She’s dead when Victori knows all about this . . .”

Cold sweat formed on my forehead when I heard those whispers around us. This beautiful lady in front of me . . . is actually the ‘gizibe’ in this university?! As in the ‘bad girl’?! (That must explain her cat shaped eyes and strange outfit)

And who the freaking hell is Victory?!

The girl they nicknamed as ‘gizibe’ chuckled silently as she stared at me, still sitting on the floor. She then stood up, hugging her things, and offered her hand to me. I took it cautiously. She was smiling warmly, though . . .

I quickly bowed in apology, feeling terrified. “I really am sorry! Please forgive me, it was just an accident—“

“It’s all right,” a feline-like voice cut me off, and I looked up. I realized it was her voice.

“It’s fine, really!” she laughed lightly as she smiled widely.

“But Chaelin-ssi, she bumped you—“ one of the bystanders started, but she was silenced by Chaelin-ssi’s dark glare.

Okay, she really IS the gizibe.

She came closer to me, her eyes worried. “You all right? Sorry—I was totally spacing out, as usual.”

I blinked, no coherent thoughts in my head. “I-I’m all right,” I stuttered. “Y-you?”

“All good! No foul damage,” she grinned. “By the way, I’m Lee Chaelin, but just call me CL. And you’re . . . ?”

A lot of people gasped. Seriously, is there anything shocking about Chaelin—I mean CL , introducing to me? Maybe because she was known in the campus and I’m nothing but a nobody . . .

“Hello? Earth to my pretty schoolmate?” her voice broke my reverie.

I blushed. “Sorry. I’m Park Sandara.”

Her eyes widened and flashed. Before I could even detect the emotion in her eyes, her face relaxed once more in a happy one. “Is Bom—Park Bom—your sis or something?” she asked.

How does she know Bom?

I nodded. “She’s my cousin.”

She nodded, still smiling. “Nice meeting you, Sandara. See you soon!” she winked before she left.

I think I heard some jaws dropping to the floor . . .

I checked my watch—and oh crap, I am seriously going to be late if I don’t run.

I quickly ran to my room, ignoring the stares directed at me.

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