Pawn 041

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Park Sandara

"... And this company," TOP pointed at the heaven-knows-how-many-it-was-already picture on his laptop screen, "is Sindria Company. On the surface, it's a jewelry store—actually, they sell the finest jewelry in the whole world. But that's just on the outside. Sindria Company, in reality, sells high-class blade weapons and high-class artillery. Daesung actually sees them as a rival," he chuckled. "And their head is really cool. But I won't let you come near him, though. That sneaky bastard with a poisonous charm on women . . ."

"Mmhmm," I said absently.

"Speaking of Daesung, I'm sure you're aware he has companies like this. Do you?"

"I see," I muttered, staring into space.

"What do you see?"

"I see—what?!" I whipped my head towards him, puzzled.

He looked equally puzzled as he stared back at me. He then rolled his eyes, annoyed now. "Here I am, staying with you, discussing the different black market corporations instead of working with Taeyang and GD, yet you just space out on me! Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "N-nothing. What were you saying about Sind . . . Sidri . . . what was that again?"

"Sindria Company?"

"Uh, yeah. That."

He sighed and turned his body facing me. "Seriously, Dara. I noticed that you've been out after I said a company before Sindria. Anything that troubles you?"

I looked down, biting my lip. "Um, dealing with all these . . . companies. I mean all of them are so new to me. Not to mention that they are actually corporations on the underground . . ."

He laughed softly. "Ah. Don't worry about that, little heiress. Put a little stress on them—let us, Black Elites, look after them. Just look after your father's company and know a little about the rest. Isn't that something you'd learned in your courses—knowing your possible rivals in the business?"

"Like Daesung, for example?" I grinned weakly, trying to lighten up.

He grinned back and patted my head. "Yep. Though it's something that bothers him a lot."

I sighed again and stared at the picture. Sindria Company's picture looked like it was a palace full of gold and precious stones, and a handsome man was grinning in the middle, his smiling eyes the same color as the golden necklaces and his waist-length hair's color is similar to the amethyst rings. Maybe he was the head or something.

"But something else is bothering you, little one," he said somberly. "And it isn't about the companies."

"Yeah," I mumbled weakly. Maybe I can share this something to him.

"What is it about? Maybe I can help."

"It's . . . it's about Jiyong."

"Our Dragon Emperor? What has he done to you?" he asked curiously.

I sighed and raked my fingers in my hair. How come this is so difficult to explain to him?

"If you are worried about his dark self . . . well, I can't say that you should just go with the flow, since we've done that ourselves and it never worked," he chuckled. "He had a terrible past, Dara—by now I guess you know that already. And as for his feelings—"

"I guess that's my problem about him," I blurted out without thinking.

"His feelings? For you?" he blinked.

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