12. The Party

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And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine


Haya woke up to the constant ringing of her doorbell rubbing her eyes with the back of her head she unlocked the door after peeping through the door to see who it was. It was Faiza.

"Hey! I came to pick you up. Why weren't you answering my calls?" Faiza inquired as soon and she surpassed the door and removed her sandals.

Haya, still half-asleep, replied, "Yeah, I dozed off." She managed a sleepy smile.

Faiza's expression remained enigmatic as she just stared at Haya. It occurred to her then that this was the first time Faiza had seen her and she was embarrassed because of the disheveled state.

"I'm Haya, in case you're wondering who I am," She laughed lightly,"Don't stare at my face like that, I just woke up and I'm in a terrible state," she covered her face with her hands.

"You're different," Faiza finally responded, "different from what I thought you would be,"

"In what way am I different?" She asked.

"In a good way! You're pretty," Faiza complimented.

She blushed, replying, "Well... Thanks, I guess, but not more than you." Faiza scoffed at the compliment.

She then continued, "I'll be right back. Wait for me."

They arrived at what seemed like a massive mansion. Haya was in awe of the grandeur as she stood at the entrance, gazing at the splendid bungalow. Its impressive structure and elegant architecture shone brilliantly under the soft, golden light of dusk.

The bungalow's pristine white walls exuded a timeless charm, and the meticulously manicured garden that surrounded it added to its grandeur. The whole scene felt like something out of a fairy tale, an enchanting and captivating sight. Haya couldn't help but admire the sheer beauty and magnificence of the place.

Zaki warmly welcomed them as they stepped onto the lawn, where soft light lamps were strategically placed at regular intervals, casting a gentle, ambient glow that illuminated the surroundings. Haya noticed her colleagues scattered throughout the lawn. She laid a quick glance at her abaya before proceeding into mingling with them.

"Does gatherings like these happen often?" She inquired.

"They do, but not very often. Once or twice a year, hardly," Zaki replied.


"What's nice?" Shavez interjected.

"Your choice," Zaki whispered in Shavez's ear, casting a sly smile before pretending to attend to an unrelated matter.

"Faiza, you did not reply to the mail I sent you" He was good at acting.

Faiza seized the opportunity and joined in. "I did not receive any, show me," she feigned confusion and followed Zaki to the side.

Left alone, Shavez and Haya faced a brief silence when he finally broke it by asking, "Why were you both late?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just dozed off until Faiza came to pick me up. Even she had to wait." She confessed.

"Mhm, no worries. I thought you wouldn't show up. Well, you shouldn't have if you were that tired."

"Nah, it's fine. I just needed a nap, and I'm all good now. Also, I couldn't miss this."

"Of course."

She had a great time getting to know her colleagues, although she wasn't an outgoing and social person, she felt like she needed this social interaction.

She stood there, her gaze fixed on the descending sun as its warm, orange hues painted the sky with breathtaking strokes. The tranquil moment was disrupted when Adnan, approached with a glass of juice in hand. Startled by the sudden diversion, she pivoted to accept the refreshment. However, in the blink of an eye, the glass slipped from his grasp and sent a cascade of cool liquid splattering across her sleeve, disrupting the serenity of the evening.

"I'm so sorry," Adnan apologized, offering her tissues to clean up.

"No, I am. I didn't see you. I should have been more careful." Haya assured him and picked the tissues to clean the juice.

Her ears caught the sound of Shavez's voice as he offered to guide her to a restroom where she could tidy up.

With a slight nod of gratitude, she followed him, her footsteps echoing softly on the corridor's polished marble floor. The lighting in the hallway was subtle, casting a warm and welcoming glow that contrasted with the darkening sky outside.

As she walked alongside him , she couldn't help but wonder about the elegance and opulence of this place, so different from her everyday surroundings at the office.

"This is my mom's room," he mentioned before knocking.

She hesitated before entering the room, her mind racing with uncertainty about how to approach an encounter with a stranger. She felt a bit awkward about facing an unknown person all on her own, but she couldn't figure out how to ask Shavez to accompany her inside, he left her at the door and went out giving her the privacy.

"May I?" She asked pushing the door open.

"Sure come inside," she came face to face with an elderly woman, sitting on a plush couch with a book in hand looking at her. There was an uncanny resemblance between her and Shavez, a strong familial likeness that wasn't hard to miss.

The older woman's warm, welcoming smile and the way she held herself with grace instantly put her at ease.

As they exchanged words, the woman offered her an alternative outfit since her abaya was stained. However, She declined her generous offer, explaining that she was ready to head home.

The woman, understanding her choice, wished her well, and with a pat on her back. After leaving the room, She made her way back to the gathering. She felt her mood was already off, and the unfortunate juice spill didn't help. She decided it might be best to call it a night.

"Sir, do you mind if I leave? I think I've had enough for one evening." She approached Shavez, slightly hesitating, and asked.

Shavez nodded. "Of course. No problem at all. If you're ready to go, I can take you home."


"She already left, didn't she tell you?"


"She asked me to take you back, I thought she already informed you" He said. "Shall I? Drop you?"

She hesitated for a moment but then accepted the offer. "Alright, that would be great, thank you."

As the party wound down, Shavez and Haya left together. The car ride was silent at first, but then she decided to break the silence. "Sir, your mother is very kind. She was so caring, even to an unknown guest."

He smiled at the mention of his mother. "Ah, yes, she's a wonderful person, and she treats everyone with warmth. She's been my pillar of strength ever since my father passed away."

His father was no more? She did not know. she listened attentively, feeling a deep sense of respect for him. "And do you have any siblings?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm a single child, just like you."

"I see. It must be a strong bond between you and your mother then."

"You can say so," he replied with a small smile blessing on his lips. "My mother means the world to me."

The conversation seemed to flow naturally between them, and even though she was not an outgoing person, she felt a ar ease and comfort in his presence.

"We're here. Take care, and make sure not to catch a cold."

She thanked him and stepped out of the car, closing the door behind her.

She watched as his car drove away from her until it disappeared into the darkness of the night.

As soon as she entered her home, she plopped herself on the bed throwing her bag elsewhere. It had been a long and tiring day, but the experience of attending the party and getting to know him had made it worthwhile.

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