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It might have been above one month since she stepped into the magnificent building in front of her hoping to work there, she was so embarrassed to barge in uncalled during her first visit and on top of that, showed herself as a very enthusiastic and desperate candidate for a job that didn't even exist, only to ghost the calls. Never getting to know whether the calls were for her acceptance or rejection. 

However, she didn't blame herself entirely, as that month had been more difficult for her than her entire life up until then. With a heavy heart, she approached the receptionist to express her concern. She wasn't there to seek the job again, but to retrieve her file. She wanted to take her file and leave the building, along with the desire to work there, right on the steps.

Zahra Textiles, a leading brand in Canning Town, had been an honor for her to visit. Meeting the owner of the brand, Shavez, in person was more than she could have imagined. He was just as kind and handsome as the news and tabloids had portrayed him to be.

With a heavy heart, she spoke to the receptionist about her concern. She wasn't there for the job again but just to get her file back. She wanted to take and leave the building along with the desire to get hired and work there, on the steps of the building.

"Ms. Haya" the lady came back and called her, "Sir asked for you in his office", she informed.

The statement got her anxious, more than how she was during the first visit. What troubled her was if he remembered her for some reason she would be so embarrassed, but why else would he call her if not for enquiring her about her disappearance?

But then it was a huge sector that was under him, he wouldn't have time to dwell upon a lost cause.. he wouldn't remember her.

That's what she thought.

"May I come in?" She knocked at the thick glass door of his cabin nervously clipping her nails.

A faint "Come in" was heard and she pushed the door open to reveal the gigantic office and find Shavez sitting on his desk in all royalty. As soon as he saw her, he closed the laptop kept in front of him.

He didn't speak, just watched her when she came and stood in front of the table. Before the silence could take the awkward turn she decided to break it. "Sir, my name is Haya Abbas" she started bowing her head down a little, gaze fixed on the tiled floor.

"I know," he said causing her to lift her head in surprise, "I was informed" Oh yeah.

"Yes sir" she answered politely, but equally freaking out on the inside.

"You are asking for your documents back which means that you don't want to work here?" He asked raising his brows in curiosity.

"It's not that I don't want to..it's just that I can't" she replied biting her lower lip.

"We have vacancies now and I think they were none when you came here earlier."

He remembers her, she looked at him with astonishment. It was such a dream come true opportunity but her fate didn't write that dream for her to come true yet hence she couldn't accept his offer.

"Thank you for the offer Sir, I'm really grateful but I don't think I can" she declined.

"Sure, up to you" He sighed, "You can wait outside until your documents are returned," He said linking his fingers together above his laptop, "Any specific reason though? I'm curious because not everyone gets this opportunity where I offer work" He sighed.

"I'm getting shifted to Tottenham" She informed.

"I see" he nodded.

"I'll take my leave thankyou" he nodded and she turned after uttering those words and walked towards the door but before she could pull to open it there was a harsh push from the other side, the door hitting her face and causing her to fall.

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