27. Subpar

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A/N: The scenes and characters in the story might be disturbing to few readers on the mention of violence. Read at your own will. You have been warned.


3rd Person's pov

Two years is very long period of time and if it had to be lived with agony it sure will look like twenty or maybe more.

But people and places which hold an important place in life cannot be forgotten so easily and when Shavez looked into the familiar pair of eyes his conscious mind recalled everything like it all happened yesterday, he was dumbstruck, he cannot be dreaming right now.

Though it was windy, he felt his lungs crying out for oxygen. His heart palpitated beneath and no coherent words could he gather, What if it's not her? What if I'm Mistaken?

There were so many, so many tangled thoughts and no time to put it in order when he saw her bowing to him as a gesture of thanks and leaving, it struck him then like a thunderbolt straight into his head, it had been two complete years since he had seen her.

He wanted to call onto her, he knows she's married and has a happy life right now and he made his heart believe that he was contended with it. He was not though, he could never find peace in it but he was managing somehow.

Even after all those years he couldn't let himself to believe that she's away from him because she was always close to him, having a reserved spot in his heart.

"Miss wait--" she was already gone. With a defeated look on his face he approached the pharmacist asking for a particular medicine.

"Do you perhaps know her, Sir?" After doing the payment he was about to leave when the man spoke.

He gave him a questioned look.

"The woman from just now" He confirmed.

"Maybe-yes, I know her. She was a friend of mine" Shavez said giving a tight lipped smile.

"You do?" The man was acting surprised and Shavez was not sure why.

"Yeah, anything?" He asked him.

"The thing is, that woman always comes here for painkillers, bandages and stuff and it looks like she's always ill, I tried to ask her about it but she panicked and left right after, I never spoke to her after that".

Now this was certainly not expectantly the first thing to know her whereabouts "She does?"

"Yes sir, she's been coming to me since the past year I think? she lives nearby though, this much I know.. I didn't pry more"

"Okay" He simply said and thanked the man before heading towards his car.

What would she need painkillers for? Shavez hoped she was well. 

He was shocked when he saw her in front of him when he thought they left the city, both her and Adnan. He resigned soon after their marriage without a proper reason or explanation and Shavez was in no place to question him. So he let that happen. 

He didn't know they were in the city, not until today. Not to mention what the pharmacist had said, he knew Haya was unwell because he was the one who took her to the hospital first, but the thought that she would get better with time made him at ease.

He drove with a lot of thoughts accordant to his overthinking tendencies, questions occupying his mind as to why would she have bandages on her feet, painkillers are always a risk to body why would she take that often. Between everything that happened within a few minutes he couldn't figure out which was real and which was his imagination.

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