14. The Convenience Store

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"Are you serious!?" She exclaimed, her eyes going wide in excitement, while seated in front of the main table in the office.

"Well, it does seem like it." Zaki said scratching the back of his neck shyly smiling.

"He's so thoughtful isn't he, I never thought of the possibility of this actually happening,until he told me himself, I mean, who will?" Shavez was equally pleased.

"Yes that's right,I'm very happy for them....but one thing I'm not sure about is the behavior of him which is making Faiza very worried." Haya informed them then she diverts her gaze towards Zaki, "Girl's doubting herself. So you have to take a rapid action."

"She is?" Zaki said with a saddened face. "But no worries. I will make her the happiest in no time" When he declares the other two nod.

She felt happy, contented knowing everything was good, better then she had anticipated at least. She was happy for Faiza, who in this world doesn't deserve happiness anyways? excluding her. Even the feeling of content was unknown and new to her.

It's been ages since she felt happy, relieved? Yes, but happy, she couldn't recall when was the last time she was happy.

"I have to go",she stated, rising from her chair, her mood was suddenly bitter. It wasn't because she was jealous, she could never be. It was perhaps because all the smiles and happiness were pricking her.

"Wait" Zaki stopped her,"Please don't reveal anything to her just yet and.." he hesitated.


"I need a favor"

"From me?' She pointed herself questioning.

"Yeah" he confirmed. "You are with her all the time, will you see if her schedule for the weekend is empty? And if not make her do so?"

"Sure sure" she replied enthusiastically and gathered her abaya leaving the room


She was on her way back home, walking down the sidewalk, her head ducked down so much that she could feel the ache at the base of her neck going to her shoulders.

She didn't feel like lifting it up to see the world. It was crowded all aroud her, yet...it was so lonely.

A strong desire to have a friend, someone, with whom she can share the deets of her day acted as a pang in her chest. And she missed her mother in the moment yet again, because there was no better friend for her than her mother.

Sometimes you need a shoulder to rely on, say. Little do they know that those shoulders feel the weight of another as a heavy load and nothing more. Something which when lifted spreads relief through their bodies.

No one in this world is willing to take the weight of another and even she never intended to bear with troubling someone for her sake.

The things Zaki had said were not ready to leave her mind anytime soon and she was well aware of that. The way he was expressing his excitement on his plan of proposing Faiza after making her think whatever she was thinking of, amused her.

She did not despise the idea rather she was just finding it hard to accept that there's still love left. The type of love which was shining through his eyes...a love like that still exists?

She was not in a mood to head home too so she mindlessly stepped foot into the nearest convenience store, strolling through the aisles looking for nothing in particular.

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