45. Open Scars

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A/N: Trigger Warning, self-harm, mention of blood, and disturbing events.


"N-no" She halted as fear took over her, and her mouth ran extremely dry, an irritating high-pitched siren rang in her ears and echoed through her mind blinding all the other senses.

"Look at me" She heard Shavez say, she had a feeling that he was staring at her too, and the people standing with Adnan were also staring at her, everyone was looking at her as if she was some outcast.
It was the worst of her nightmares.

"Look here," Shavez said again, pulling her attention, a distraction she had to have at that moment. A voice calling on to her so she did, she moved her gaze away from Adnan's luscious eyes and look at Shavez.

She could feel every nerve in her body running cold and frigid.

"Look at him, now," He said in a soft but firm tone as she shifted. "Look at him in the eye, show him that you are not afraid of him, or...anyone or anything."

"I c-can't" She wanted to say, might have said too but she was no longer in a state to differentiate between her nightmares and the reality.

And if it was a nightmare, it was the worst nightmare ever.

"Look at him," He said more firmly, "Do you not recall what had he done to you? Do you not want to revenge him?" He paused as she caught her breath. "Look at him!" He said, again.

That was when she lifted her head to look, glaring right into the eyes of the man who was still looking at her with a smug smirk, it was just for a moment that she spared and looked away.

"Good," Shavez said with a smile, "I am so proud of you"

How can he be proud of her? She didn't even look at Adnan for mere two seconds without her hands visibly shaking from fear. But that felt good, a little sparkly good. She was able to glare at him, she was able to look into his eyes, no matter how draining it felt, it was progress.

"Wasn't I absolutely right?" crash!, the small feeling of victory crashed right when built with the gruesome voice she recognises as Adnan's, she stood up hurriedly moving back, fear overcoming her.

"Back away" Shavez gritted his teeth pushing Adnan with his hand on his chest, only to hear a snicker from Adnan.

"I'm talking to my wife, who are you to meddle in? Oh! her lover" He laughed pulling the last straw from Shavez and he was down on the floor in the next second, Shavez hovering over his body clutching his shirt with one of his hands, blood oozing out of the corner of Adnan's lip. He punched him.

"I dare you to say that again bastard"

"That's enough" He was pulled away with a giant force belonging to Zaki while Adnan was dragged away by one of the police officers.

"Ah and yes" He called on making Adnan turn, "You deem yourself too lucky, She's not your wife anymore" he let out a small pitiful laugh which triggered Adnan, but before he could lunge on him, was dragged away from their sight.

Haya witnessed everything with a horrifying gaze trembling legs and breath held in her throat almost choking her.

They were fighting. On each other's throats. Ready to kill and all...because, of her.

She was just a trouble for everybody, nothing more.


"How could they play this card, I can't believe those men, that god damned of a lawyer" Rabi yelled kicking her leg hard against the floor trying to release the pent-up annoyance.

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