21. Amber eyes

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"She's pretty isn't she?" He heard a voice.

"Very much" it slipped off his tongue, realising what he did, he abruptly moved his head from where the voice came.


"Mhm" She smiled at Shavez who felt so embarrassed even to look at her in the eyes "Do you think the way you were gawking at her will go unnoticed by me? Do you want me to talk to her?" She was hell bent on embarrassing Shavez more and more.

"No Maa, i wasn't gawking at her, I just like the color...y-yeah" He tried to make lies but who was he kidding? His mother didn't buy the lie of course.

 "Sure, as you say" She nodded a playful smile dancing across her lips and left with not a mere word afterwards. He cursed and kicked himself mentally for being so ignorant of the surroundings and his expressions too. But he wasn't blaming the cause, the beauty of the girl was so enchanting making Shavez forget everything in the world but her.


"I told you it's not that"

"How is it then? You'll be turning 25 soon. I'm telling you Haya you didn't agree on marrying the man your mother chose for you so with or without your consent, I'm marrying you off to the next man who approaches me"

"For the last time She's not my mother" Haya snapped and declined the call.

She came upstairs where there was comparatively quiet to receive her father's call and luckily found an empty room. She didn't want him knowing that she's out this late. She just didn't want to hear all those bitter foul words leaving his mouth. After declining the call she turned towards the door to find Shavez, his hand held up at the door to knock, but he didn't knock and retrieved his hand back seeing Haya turn.

"Hi" he muttered already sensing that Haya was pissed off at something.

She looked at his shoes first then back into his eyes "You wore sneakers on a suit?" her expressions eased, trying to distract herself.

"Um yeah,tried for the first time... does it look weird?" he raised his eyebrow freaking out on the inside that she was the first one to notice such detail.

"It looks nice, suits you, yeah" she said, her gaze turning away.

"Is everything alright though" He asked hinting the phone call.

"Y-yeah, just dad and his usual.." blusters. She discontinued. He already knew everything about her, in fact he was the only one who knew everything except one more thing, about her so she found no reason to pretend.

He nodded, understanding that her father must have ranted on her again "He called you this late?" He questioned.

"Yeah, he does that, to check whether I'm home or not" She said nonchalantly because now her eyes were gazing something intensely as she leaned a little bit forward involuntarily making Shavez's breath hitch but he stood firm, not moving an inch back.

"What exactly is the color of your eyes?" She asked looking deep into his eyes, swallowing him up whole, well that was how he was feeling at least 

"A-amber, amber yeah" he hated how he stuttered and immediately tried to act cool by sliding his hands into his pockets.

"It's my favourite" She said taking a step back and before Shavez could come up with a reply, her phone ring interrupted them, she excused herself for receiving the call at which he sighed feeling relieved.

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