41. Unshroud

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The anxious thoughts didn't let Shavez wait any longer than the morning Sun rays to barely sprinkle over the mass of the Earth. The air was freezing cold and Shavez didn't even bother to put on a jacket to lessen the affliction of the atmosphere.

He was again standing by the same gate which he had visited few weeks ago, 'Back home again'.

He banged the gate in urgency as it was locked due to time constraints. An old woman unlocked the door and she looked familiar to Shavez but he had no time to dwell upon it so he rushed inside with haste.

"Please tell me Ms. Anees is awake," He asked, trying to catch his breath, his lips turning white due to the shiver.

"She is," the woman replied. "I saw you here before," She said, leading the way for Shavez who was following her behind with no interest in whatever the woman was saying afterward.

"Here" they entered a room where Mrs. Anees was sitting on the prayer mat with her legs folded making use of her fingers to carry on with her zikr.

The room had two beds on either side, it was very clean with minimal elements in it. A table drawer between those beds to keep meds and stuff, and a plant kept beside the door, that's it.

The old woman left Shavez be when he walked inside the room.

Ms. Anees, whose face was towards the other side, turned to look at the new person who just entered into the room at that hour. Seeing Shavez she turned back around blowing into her palms and hovering her face with it.

Shavez was patiently watching her, waiting for her to be over with folding the prayer mat and sitting across Shavez on a bed, gesturing for Shavez to do the same.

"Assalamualaikum" He greeted sitting at the indicated place.

"Wa' Alaikum Assalam, I did not expect to see you after the last time you came here," She said with a wide smile on her face. Shavez could repress a smile at that.

"How are you, auntie?" He asked as if he was not asking her that at the brink of dawn.

"I'm good, how about you, what is so urgent that couldn't have waited until daybreak?" She was concerned seeing the falling face of Shavez.

"I didn't know where else to go" Shavez dropped his head down.

"Tell me," She asked.

"Adnan is arrested" He informed her and as soon as he did, her mouth fell agape.

"W-why? what did he do?" She asked, worried for her son.

"He deserved it, deserves much worse than that actually," Shavez said, "I came here to ask you that he blamed me for his father's death, what do I have to do with it?"

"Please tell me first, why was he arrested? You said you were good friends, why does it look like you hate him?"

"I thought so too until now" Shavez tsked. "He tormented his wife, beat her to death, she could have died if not for the help at the right time"

The woman gasped but didn't utter a word. Her hand flew across her mouth to set forth the shocked state.

"And when I meet him he accuses me of uncle's death, I don't know how am I involved" Shavez pointed at himself. "I would have never let that marriage happen if I knew he was masking his hatred and humanity"

"I'm sorry" The woman finally spoke.

"Don't be sorry. Sorry never helps"

Shavez was lashing out at the woman and strangely she was hearing him out with moderation as if she was guilty and Shavez was not wrong for doing so.

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