56. Say my Name

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"What are you doing here?" Zaki barged in at the notice of Shavez coming to the office, to scold him.

Shavez responded with a casual, "Uh... work?" as he lazily reclined on the couch in his cabin. Despite his claim, there was no work-related material in sight.

"Seriously? One day leave wouldn't kill you" He seethed.

"It wouldn't but I had some other work too," he said as Zaki came and sat in front of him, observing him.

"You look--sleep deprived, looks like didn't sleep well last night," he asked concerned.

"I didn't, she didn't let me," He said making Zaki knit his eyebrows together.

"What do you mean?"

"Her beauty I mean, I finally saw her, what, do you expect me to sleep when I had the option to stare at her all night?"

"You stared at her all night?! You are such a creep oh my god" he gasped dramatically.

"Yeah, I am" Shavez shrugged.

"Did you have breakfast though?"

"Yes mom I did" he stated and Zaki rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Yeah, whatever. What other work though?"

"Something needs to be done today." He revealed.

"And that is?"

"I am not telling you"

Zaki made a playful gesture, pretending to be struck by an arrow and clutching his heart in mock pain. "Oh, ouch!" he exclaimed sarcastically. "Okay, I guess," he added with a dismissive tone, discarding the imaginary arrow immediately.

"You are so dramatic" Shavez couldn't help but laugh. "I'll tell you but you shouldn't tell anyone not even Faiza, no one," he said whilst lifting himself up to sit.

"Okay? What's so secretive?" He asked.

"I'm going to seal the deal today"

"Which deal?"

"The deal of the orphanage. I'm going to buy it" he said.

Zaki widened his eyes, "You are going to buy it? On what stake have you decided to do it? What is the reason?"

"That is the only way I can visit the place anytime. I want the child to grow up in a healthy atmosphere and I'll make sure of it until the day she confesses."

"We are not even sure if she knows where her child is, and do you think she would like that if she knows that you took the responsibility of her child in your own hands without her consent?"

Shavez was quiet for a while "I don't think so" he said. "Still, I want to do it"

Zaki nodded, "Whatever you wish to do. Can I come with you though?"

"Please no, I want to do this alone" he pleaded.

"Stay here and rest for a while. I'll wake you up when it's time to leave, but after leaving, I don't want you coming back to the office. You need to go back home; you have a wife now, for God's sake," he stated firmly before leaving Shavez alone to rest.


Haya was sitting on the giant sofa in the living room. The house all to herself for the time being. As she reclined on the backrest of the sofa, she surveyed the plain and white walls of the hall, which lacked any form of adornments such as paintings or decorations. The space was uncomplicated and unadorned, exuding a sense of cleanliness and simplicity.

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