1. Prologue

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"There's so much to do and you are so late, Zaki! Do you even remember that meeting is scheduled for the next hour!" The twenty-seven-year-old Shavez Haider, a workaholic successful businessman, exclaimed tensed in his state, rubbing his temples in exasperation.

"Listen to me first, will you?" Zaki tried to call him down, "The meeting was postponed. And it will be held next week, Monday, and now that I'm here rest yourself " He moved in front of Shavez to look at the work he was absorbed in.

Mir Zakariya aka Zaki, his best friend/PA who was just two months younger than Shavez had this grip on him, that's the reason he prefers him over everyone, and kept him close at work too. There's no one he could trust with his life but this man. Their friendship goes way back since the past decade and they surely are the backbone of each other...but you won't find them accepting the fact that they can't live without each other.

"It's postponed and you're informing me now?" He asked annoyed more because Zaki simply shrugged, "Let's finish the work today, there are 3 files to complete. Also, make sure all the appointments for today are cancelled"

"Sure sure, I'll do it".He said lifting a few essentials from the table and leaving the cabin.

Shavez was a perfectionist, successful in forming a textile business of his own which was leading in all aspects.

After Zaki exited from his room he moved to the granite coffee table to start with his work since he was more comfortable there when it came to drawing. He had procrastinated for so long and like all, was bound to face the consequences. It was a relief that the meeting got postponed.

After two hours into his nonstop back-aching work, someone dared to knock at his door.

"May I come in?", Zaki peeped his head.

"What is it", he asked recalling that he had asked not to be disturbed.

"There's this girl at the reception asking to meet you, I think she came here for a job" He guessed.

"Tell her there are no vacancies for now then?" He was uninterested.

"She says she wants to meet you just once. I already told her that we are not hiring, yet she's insisting" Zaki was speaking but Shavez paid as little heed as possible and continued to do his work.

"I told you to cancel all the appointments for today, didn't I ?"

"She doesn't have any appointment", He answered.

"Then why would I meet her?" He quipped.

"I'll bring her. Talk to her once, and she'll be gone". He said, no he demanded and turned to leave.

"Seriously?" He called from behind him but Zaki was already out of the room.

"May I come in, Sir?" The voice of a female poured into his ears. She probably was standing behind the door, and he didn't bother to look up totally immersed in his drawings, he hummed.

He felt her enter and then stand by his main table, he didn't want to give her the benefit of the doubt so he showed the least interest possible, She stood still until he was done with his work which took about two minutes approximately, before turning, "You may sit-"

He was awestruck with his tongue being caught in his throat, never in his life had he seen such beauty, a beauty which was concealed under a veil yet so captivating that he forgot to breathe for a second.

The girl had a lilac abaya on, with a file in her hands, nervously fidgeting with her fingers probably super nervous because she barged in without an appointment.

"I apologize for causing you inconvenience sir, " when the words reached his ears they were a melody that the words carried, a spell chanted, "I'm in urgent need of a job. I'm a freshman and this is my CV along with some of my works....if you think they are worthy please consider me", she said, still standing, forwarding him the file she had in her hand.

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