54. Solasta

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Shavez stood by the car door holding it open, waiting for Haya to come out and when she did, she was clad in a black Abaya, covered from head to toe, the sleeves of her abaya hid her hands beneath them. Only her eyes were visible, beautiful captivating orbs, and now that Shavez knew how those orbs complemented all her features which he had yet to gaze at for hours, or so he had intended to do.

Rabi wrapped her arms around Haya and pulled her into a warm embrace, planting a gentle kiss on the side of her head as she whispered something in her ear before stepping back. The others remained behind them, watching the exchange.

When Haya sat inside Shavez bent down to place her Abaya which was falling down, inside. Haya would have done that herself but when she saw Shavez already reaching out, she retracted her hand. He saw that.

Once Haya was comfortably settled inside the car, He closed the door and took his place behind the wheel. He could not contain his joy and excitement, as evidenced by the constant smile on his face throughout the drive back home. Although he was trying to be discreet, he couldn't resist stealing occasional glances at Haya, his face flushed, feeling content, the most satisfied and happy in her presence.

As they traversed the road, the onset of the night gradually descended upon them, and the flickering streetlights came to life, casting their luminous rays across their path. It dawned on Shavez that it was Haya who radiated a similar brightness into his life, illuminating his world with her mere presence.

Upon their arrival at his grand estate, Shavez once again exhibited his chivalry by stepping out of the car and opening the door for Haya. However, this act of politeness seemed to catch Haya off guard, as she visibly flinched, unaccustomed to such gestures.

Despite any reservations, Shavez was determined to perform this act of chivalry for her. It was a gesture he had always longed to do, and if he had his way, he would go to great lengths to make her feel comfortable and valued. He would even lay down feathers at her feet or prevent her from walking if it meant showing how much she meant to him.

He would carry her...okay guess that was too far, given their relationship.

They didn't talk the entire time Shavez was too nervous to do so and he didn't expect Haya to be the one to initiate the conversation, hence they were quiet.

Haya already knew the path to walk down towards the entrance door, Shavez was walking ahead so she simply followed him. The first thing she noticed was carnations hanging by the door decorating the frame of it.

The abode before them was a pristine and immaculate expanse of ivory, a sight that Haya had already seen. The blooms that adorned the door frame were also of a white hue, but it was the varying shades of green that embellished the leaves and stems that created a pleasant panorama.

Shavez looked at her then, giving her an assuring and pleasing smile, this smile was not the smile he had been using, everything he put on including his smile was a facade in front of people until now, but now, he was smiling because he wanted to because he felt happy.

"Marhaba", he said offering his hand to her. "Let's go inside together"

Haya looked at his hand first and then into his amber eyes which were shining, she didn't want to place her hand into his and at the same time she didn't want him to feel humiliated in any kind of way. So she nodded and her hands held her Abaya on either side picking it up.

He let his hand fall down and turned without a word, pushing the door open. They entered into the house together as Haya moved inside the other closed the door behind her.

The room was poorly lit and adorned with the same carnations as decorative pieces, their delicate petals casting soft shadows on the walls. A grand chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, providing the only source of illumination in the form of a subdued glow. Though the intensity of the light emanating from the chandelier was muted, its warm, orange hue bathed the room in a cozy, intimate aura.

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