5. Tryst

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Shavez lay on his bed, feeling weary and exhausted after a long day. The clock indicated 1 am, and his mind was reeling around the thoughts of the lady he had seen again which was after four months.

He was astonished at his own memory and the proficiency to be able to recognize her right away.

He chuckled to himself, wondering why he had insisted that Zaki take his phone along with him when they met her earlier in the day.

Zaki had teased him a lot in amusement at Shavez's actions. "I didn't even know that she was still in the picture, man!" he cracked up.

"Shut up," Shavez retorted playfully.

"Who's she? The Niqabi?" asked Faiza from the back seat.

"Yes, the one who took my friend's heart with being a Niqabi... He's smitten!" Zaki dramatically placed his hand over his chest and sighed.

Faiza giggled, enjoying the teasing banter between both of them.

"Okay, you both have the right to make fun of me, but know that she's very different, so there was no harm in pretending that I lost my phone," Shavez but his teeth in embarrassment.

He switch off the light of his room after offering Esha prayers, attempting to sleep but wasn't able to do so. He felt anxious for some reason, recalling that she had his personal number saved in her phone as Sir Shavez made him giddy in an instant.

His attention diverted towards his phone when it vibrated with a notification. Curious about who might be texting him at this late hour, he unlocked his phone and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was the same woman who had been occupying his mind.

Evening Sir.


He replied immediately not being able to contain his excitement.

I'm Haya. The one who helped you find your phone in the mall today?

Sorry for disturbing you late at night. I didn't expect you to be awake.

He already knew and her number was saved in his phone too.

Oh yeah! Thanks for the help, by the way, and no need to apologize. I was awake, and this didn't disturb me at all.

Good to know. (Seen)

If you don't mind, I need some help from you, and that was the reason I texted you at this hour.

What can you I help you with?

You are the CEO of Zahra Textiles right, I recognized you right away.

May I have an appointment with you this week if you're free?

Yes, I am.

And you'll have to talk to my PA about this, as I don't know my schedule, and I took an off this week
So, it may be possible in the next week.

Sir, I can't travel to Canning Town for the appointment. If you would please spare some time for me I'll be grateful.

I'll see, and if I'm free
I'll contact you tomorrow

Sure! I'll be waiting.


That went surprisingly well he sighed relieved. Fate has strange ways of bringing people together.

The next day, Shavez discussed the situation with Zaki, who was back teasing him playfully. After discussing the time and place he decided to call Haya to inform her about it.

They were in the hotel lounge where they were staying for the week of their vacation, Shavez dialed her number and didn't have to wait long, she answered with a warm "Assalamualaikum."

"Walekum assalam, Am I talking to Haya Abbas?" Shavez asked formally.

"Yes, sir, it's me," she replied.

"I would like to meet you at the Tryst coffee shop at three today so that we can talk as you suggested," Shavez informed.

"Okay, sure... I'll be there. Thank you!" Shavez could hear the smile in her honey-laced voice before he hung up.

As he ended the call, he felt a mixture of excitement and novelty about their meet. He wondered what might it be that she herself contacted him and asked for a talk.

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