18. A Lot Of Things

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Haya's POV

I flickered my eyes trying to open them, it was all blur while I tried to adjust to the light, my eyes were burning that was the only sensation I was able to feel at that moment, it was all void inside my head.

"Yes I'll do... okay I'll get back to you", I heard someone say. My head felt too heavy to process whose voice it was and where the hell I was.

"Haya? do you hear me?" I tried to look at the person in front of me still adjusting and trying to focus.

Shavez, it was Sir Shavez. I could tell.

I nodded, a bit relieved that it was him.

"Here drink some" He handed me a glass of water. To which I came into reality and realized the posture I was sitting in. I sat up and rested my back against the table on which I was practically leaning on, something fell into my lap I didn't care to look.

My face felt exceptionally wet with water and my veil too, like I had just washed my face. It was cold.

"Are you feel better now? Could you get up?" He asked, after me drinking the water half lifting my veil.

"Y-yeah, yeah I think I can"

"Come on sit here" He said dragging a swivel chair and offering me his hand.

I wasn't in a position to get up on my own as my knees felt week and I wasn't going to take his support so I just sat there trying to gather events from before.

"What happened?" I asked him. I know he should be the one asking me that, but I had to know how exactly did I land here.

"Nothing, nothing happened, okay? Just relax, all's fine" He spoke softly pulling his hand back and sitting down on the floor beside me.

"Tell me please, where am I" I looked around. The place was also familiar, oh it's my cabin yes it's my cabin.

"You told me you were going to leave" He said. "I saw the cctv footage, I saw that you got a call, you were talking to someone while entering this room, who was it Haya?"

"I was?"

Yes I was, it was all coming back, hitting like a train straight into my brain cells. I tried to recall more even though it felt like I'll become numb to the extreme ache in my head. I had to recall what happened before.

I was talking to my dad.

"Do you remember who you were talking to?"

"Dad" I said, and looked around to find the mess I've made of the room. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I don't know what had gotten into me" With that I got up taking the support of the table. Something fell off my lap.

"I'll clean it" I said and tried to reach on to grab anything to keep in place, but I couldn't gather much strength so sat on the chair instead.

"You know, you're not well, I told you before, to visit a doctor, did you?" He was still seated down.

"I did, and I'm good"

"Doesn't seem like it to me though"

"I said I'm fine"

"You're not!" He almost yelled at me, "I'm sorry but, God! Do you have any idea how dangerous it was, how scared I was, What would have happened if I didn't come here" he got up rubbing his temples.

"I'm sorry, C-can I please go home?" I was feeling weak, so weak that I could not even form any words on my tongue.

"I'll drop you, but first tell me what happened"

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