49. The Conversation

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A/N: Fashback in italics


Shavez was feeling a newfound sense of peace with everything around him. Despite his serene state, he was uncertain whether it was due to a feeling of joy or a sense of contentment. He was attempting to discern the root cause of his emotions but was unable to definitively determine which one was responsible for the calmness he was experiencing.

Maybe it was the feeling of achievement of his unrequited love that provided him with the utmost satisfaction.

He lay down on the couch of his living room, where Haya had taken a seat when she came to his house, just feeling her close again like she was a few moments ago.

Shavez experienced a rush of pleasure and giddiness as he relived past events in his mind. His state of mind was similar to that of a teenager who had just received a compliment from their crush.


After recognizing Haya's presence behind the nearly closed door, he greeted her with "Salam." Upon hearing some rustling sounds, he proceeded to shut the door fully and said, "You don't need to come out. I'm fine with talking to you this way."

"Are you sure?" She answered meekly as she approached the door grabbing her jilbab.

"Yes," A faint smile decorated his lips as he gently placed his hand on the closed door. "Are you well?"

"I am, a-a lot better now" she replied, although he could sense a degree of hesitancy in her words along with a slight stutter in her voice.

"That is good to hear"

"Are you?"

"I am" He affirmed, "Now that I have heard your voice"

Her breath hitched, she was not prepared to see this side of Shavez yet.

"I will be more, if you tell me what are your thoughts" He spoke in a calm and reassuring manner.

She didn't know what to reply to that, He was the one to ask the audience with her so shouldn't he be the one doing all the speaking?

Haya was not a talker, the one who express her feelings and thoughts, she'd rather stay quiet and listen to what the others had to say, her feelings and words were always suppressed whenever she tried to talk be it to her mother or father. Her father was never around but the time she was with her mother, she taught her to bear anything that comes upon her. Her protests were in vain to the point she felt that speaking of feelings will never be an option.

"Did you consider?" He asked stirring her anxiety.

"I-" She had to talk, he was asking her. "You deserve someone better, someone, who is made just for you rather than someone who is worn out"

"I feel quite contrary to that, and why would you say that about yourself?"

"Because I am," She said.

"Do you doubt that I will eventually start seeing you as a worn out as well?"

"I know so"

"No, you don't. You don't know anything about me" He was right, Haya barely knew about him but he did know everything about her.

He wished he could find the right words to convince her, but he felt helpless. Despite being a successful businessman with a talent for tactics and persuasion, he found himself struggling to express himself in this situation.

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