29. Ferocious

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A/N: TW; sensitive topics ahead⚠️


Sizzling sausages with its appetizing aroma filled the house with Haya determinantly working in the kitchen preparing breakfast. She had developed this hobby of cooking during these years, she loved it since long but for the sake of gaining her husband's courtesy she had become a perfectionist.

It acted as a therapy too, all the cutting chopping and playing with kitchen tools marvellously , she found kind of solace in it.

And the other reason being that she had nothing to do the entire day that Adnan was away for the matters of his job most of the time, so it was better if she utilized the time in something she likes to do.

The thing she loved to do was not allowed for her, drawing and designing was long forgotten, her profession complete kept aside, she didn't even touch a pencil to draw patterns on a paper, because she was already into so many things. Household chores were no joke, and Adnan was a clean freak. So she had to tame herself according to his liking.

It's funny how we invest so much time in something which might not even be a part of our future.

She was busy meddling with the pan when she felt a hand circling her waist, knew immediately it was Adnan and stiffened her posture. He kept his forehead on one of her shoulders from behind mumbling a 'good morning'.

It was times like this when life seems perfect but it was not. Just a day before he had been a different person, he hit her on her face, it was the same person you couldn't believe.

"What's for breakfast" He asked in a hoarse sleepy voice.

"S-sandwiches" she replied to which he hummed and moved a little bit back, following her actions.

"Set the table, I'll take a shower and join you" He said leaving the kitchen.

A sigh of relief made its way to her lips, being on the edge every minute was nothing new for her though.

He was good at times, times when Haya would obey him without questioning him or talking back, or showing any kind of curiosity. It happened a lot during the early days of marriage, she would come back at him with equal coercion.

But eventually she was tired, just tired to deal with him. What was she gaining from it anyways? Just brutality.

Life for Haya was never easy and she had accepted it knowing all too well what could happen if she tries to fight against her fate.

Nothing would happen actually, nothing would change. No matter how much she tries to squirm out of the holding chains of disastrous fate she knew that she cannot escape them.

It would hunt her down and slaughter her in worst ways possible.

If that was difficult to understand, lemme tell you in a simple manner. The more we try to pull the tied chains, the more hurt we feel likewise the more we try to blame the ill fate and complain about it, the more hurt it will impart.

In the days when Haya was not this mature and things were terrible with her parents she would think that the worst thing has already happened and there's nothing worse than this that could happen, but soon after, every time, she was proven wrong with something even worse happening.

Her heart would shatter into millions of pieces every time but then she would gather it in a hope that it will be the last time but no, she was proven wrong again and again to an extent that she didn't care if those millions pieces were scattered far from reach. Because she never intend to collect them now.

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