70. Epilogue

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"Just a minute....here you go," Haya adjusted Shazal's blazer buttons and dusted his coat after reaching out to take the comb from the dresser.

"I'll do it myself, mama," he insisted, taking the comb from her hands and standing in front of the dresser. Despite his small stature, he tried to groom himself with determination, and Haya allowed him to do so, knowing her son's growing sense of self-dependency.

"Alright my big baby," she said, bending down to kiss his head, which elicited a wide smile from Shazal. She then moved towards the cradle to gently place the lukewarm milk bottle into little Hayat's mouth.

"Where's Baba?" Shazal inquired, causing her to turn around.

"He's on his way, I presume." She replied her tone going dry, "Go wear your shoes and head towards Uncle Zaki's house, will you? See if they need anything," she instructed, settling at the end of the bed.

"Shall I take Shayan along?" He inquired.

"No need he will cause trouble rather than being a helping hand.

"No mama!" Their second son..well technically the first of Haya and Shavez emerged out of nowhere jumping in front of them.

"Oh my god, you and your father's habit of appearing out of nowhere, I swear- why are your lace untied? c'mere," she called him closer, and before she could bend down-

"I'll do it" six year old Shazal proceeded to sit on the floor and with his tiny hands followed his mother's instructions to tie the shoelace.

"I will go too! I won't cause any trouble I promise" He whined.

"I'll make sure of that mama, let him go with me" the quiet and innocent Shazal tried to persuade.

"Yes, mama please let him go.." the three of them turned instantly to the third voice that arose from the door of the bedroom.

"Baba" the kids ran towards Shavez greeting him, who bent down to shower them with all the love from the world.

"We are going to Uncle Zaki's house!" Shayan chimed.

"Run, run" Shavez instructed them giving a wink before he could stand, Shazal pulled him down and whispered in his ear, "Mama's mad at you"

"I know, I'll convince her," he said eyeing Haya who was turned towards the cradle pretending to be busy, but her swollen face was a giveaway.

"Promise?" He held a pinky finger for Shavez.

"Promise," he said, linking his own pinky finger with his son's.

"Mama, we're leaving," he came running to Haya and placed a kiss on her cheek before heading out, searching for his brother who was already out the door.

"Mama?" Shavez called her, trying to catch her attention, but she seemed focused on her work.

"Mother of my children?" He continued, stepping closer to her.

"Honey..wifey" his attempts were going in vain.


"There are kids around for god's sake" She finally turned to face him grimacing at his words and sighed, though her expression still seemed unyielding. Shavez wrapped his arms around her, attempting to draw her close, but she resisted his embrace.

"I- doubt that a six-month-old will listen and interpret my words" He chuckled softly,

"Whatever " she rolled her eyes, "Did you have to be so late?"

"Technically I'm not late at all" He answered calmly.

"I asked you to come a little early didn't I?" she asked, her voice tinged with a touch of annoyance.

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