63. Fragrance

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The soft rays of sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, filling the room with a warm and inviting glow. Shavez woke up, his gaze instinctively drawn to Haya lying peacefully in front of him. He was struck in admiring her beauty, even in her slumber. With a gentle touch, he brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face, which seemed to trouble her a lot for some reason.

His body was sore due to the position in which he spent the night, but it was all worth it, the pain, and the discomfort were inconsequential as it was a small price to pay for the privilege of being by her side.

As he stretched his tired limbs and eased the stiffness in his muscles, a smile reached his lips recalling her hand on his face, the touch felt so much like an illusion, as if it existed in a realm beyond reality.

Carefully, not wanting to disturb her sleep he got up and left the room, stealing another glance at her by the door, smiling to himself yet again.

The sun was high up when she was blinking against the brightness, taking a moment to let her surroundings come into focus. The sight of the sunlit room greeted her, painting the walls in a golden hue. Feeling a sense of weariness wash over her she shifted her position, settling herself against the comfortable bedrest, allowing her back to sink into its soft support.

The fatigue weighed upon her, both physically and emotionally. The events of the previous night had left their mark, and she longed for a moment of respite to gather her thoughts and regain her energy.

Closing her eyes once more, She let out a deep sigh when occurrences of the previous night came drawing upon her. Was it merely a figment of her imagination? A beautiful illusion created by her longing and desire? It felt as though it could slip away like a mirage, leaving her with nothing but the lingering traces of its presence.

Shavez was not in the room but the couch was still kept close to the bed reminding her last night was not just a dream, it was real. She wanted to deny the sensation which was so fleeting, so intangible, that it almost seemed unreal, she wanted it to be unreal. It was as if her heart had conjured up a dream-like experience, teasing her with the possibility of something..different.

"Rise and Shine" He entered with a tray in his hand with tea mugs atop, "Oh you're up?" He chimed, "How'd you sleep?"

Haya looked at him fascinated, how easy was it to be around him, how effortlessly at ease she felt in his presence. There was no apprehension of being reprimanded or criticized, none of the tension that had come to define her previous experiences. It was a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil she had grown accustomed to, and it both intrigued and comforted her in a weird way.

"Very well" She replied watching him place the tray on the table.

"I'm glad," he responded, a soft smile gracing his lips as he tilted his head slightly to the side. He handed her a cup of tea before taking one for himself.

The warmth emanating from the cup felt comforting in her hands, and she breathed in the familiar aroma of the tea. With a grateful nod, she brought the cup to her lips and took a sip. The familiar taste enveloped her senses, soothing her weary soul.

"I'm not going to the office today," He said sitting on the same couch from earlier.

"Is it because of me? Please don't-"

"It's not that," he interrupted her words, his voice gentle yet firm. "I feel sore and a little tired too. I think I'll be more comfortable on the couch in our living room than the chair in the office, I swear." chuckling, he said.

"You slept on this couch? The entire night?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in surprise. "Oh, I feel absolutely awful for making you do that."

"It was worth it, trust me" He was as calm as the gentle morning breeze which surrounded them at that moment, swaying the curtains gently.

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