43. Stay a little longer

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A/N: The chapter we all were waiting for, enjoy <3


Haya agreed to meet him.

If that was not the best day of his life, what was?

At first, he couldn't believe it and freaked out hearing that Haya actually wanted to meet him too. A sudden rush of excitement bubbled in his stomach just on anticipating that he is going to meet her, talk to her, just a day after.

On the other hand Zaki was watching Shavez, baffled, the usual calm and decent demeanor which Shavez upheld always were unaccounted for.

"Hey" Shavez was brought out of his bundle of excitement when Zaki's voice stirred him.

"Hm?" He looked at him from his seat clutching the phone with such strong force as if it was in that phone his whole fantasy existed.

"I don't understand,'' Zaki said, pinching the bridge of his nose "Why would she want to meet you?"

"I don't care, I am about to cry because this feeling of delight is too much to handle" He said, holding his hand above his mouth to suppress the excitedness.

Zaki smiled lowly, almost invisible, for in his sight Shavez looked so happy after months and he didn't want to pop that little bubble of his by saying anything.

"Actually" Shavez turned to him, like gaining conscience and coming back to senses "Why would she?"

"Let's not fuss over it, you'll get to know when you meet her, But you didn't tell me what is that you are going to talk to her about?"

"Oh" His mouth hung,"I never really thought about it"

"You did" Zaki raised his eyebrow taunting him,"You said you were planning to propose to her" He suppressed his laugh.

"Shut up, I thought you've got more brains than that?"

"What" Zaki brought his hands up in defense, "I was just repeating your words"

"I did think about it and I will apologize to her, that is the only plausible reason I should meet her for" He stated all the rush of joyful emotions in him being killed gradually."I'm nervous, How will I face her? It was all because of me, Adnan made her life hell because of me"

"You know that is not right"

"It is, she must hate me, she should," Shavez said, rubbing his temple with his forefingers.

"Rabi didn't say that" Shavez knew Zaki was comforting him with those words, he was his friend it was his duty to do so, but in truth Shavez had taken the blame on himself since the day Adnan confessed.

"I don't want to think anything about it right now" He said melancholy coated his words, because he had spent too much time anticipating to deal with the loath Haya might incur on him and that ansty thought did not help his anxiety.

Yes, he was ready to face her and take the blame even though he had always been clueless of Adnan's intentions. He was betrayed by him too but that betrayal unfortunately instead of scarring just his own soul imprinted the treacherous impact on someone innocent, someone he could die for.

He was okay with the fact that Adnan betrayed him but he stabbed him right into the heart where he kept her safe hoping to cherish her there for his entire life. And he was not okay with that. His eyes burned with vengeance.

"I feel tired sometimes.'' He uttered. "Tired of being the only one to..to feel this? It hurts to think of her and I can't help it, it feels like she is my Sun and I am the Earth, the only difference is the Sun allows the Earth to stay by its side, and she does not. I can't live with the fact that she hates me or despises me. I just can't"

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