64. A Silent Promise

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A/N : Flashbacks in italics, make sure you vote this chapter🌟


"Address me as your 'Student' from now onwards," Shavez declared, "Here" He reached into a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out two aprons, handing one to Haya. Taking the lead, he swiftly tied his own apron around his waist, signaling her to do the same. Haya, slightly amused, followed suit and secured her apron too.

When she stepped into the kitchen, a sudden wave of unease washed over her. The memory of the burn on her wrist resurfaced, causing a sharp sting and making her hand tremble involuntarily. Doubt crept into her mind, the fear made her hesitate, unsure if she could push through the discomfort and carry on.

"My dear, Teacher" He called pulling her out of the stance, "Where do we begin?"

"Um..it depends, what do you want to make?" She swallowed the growing lump in her throat quite bravely.

"How about you teach me what you are best at?" he suggested.

"That would require quite a bit of skill," she replied.

"Yeah, which I obviously lack," he snorted, poking fun at himself. She suppressed a smile at his self-deprecating remark and pressed her lips together. "So teach me something beginner friendly"

"Alright then," she said, regaining her composure, "Scrambled eggs and pasta?"

"I don't know the level of difficulty, ma'am," he said, rolling his eyes playfully.,"But please go easy on me"

With a determined nod, she took charge and began guiding him, gathering the necessary ingredients and utensils. "First, we'll start with scrambled eggs," she explained, cracking the eggs into a bowl. "You can start by whisking them until they're well beaten."

He took the whisk from her hand and started whisking the eggs with enthusiasm, trying his best to create a smooth and consistent mixture. She watched him, offering gentle pointers on technique.

He whisked the eggs, cooked them to perfection, and seasoned them just right according to her instructions. He never let her move from one place the entire time, never let her near the stove, making her heart swell in an unexplainable, unknown new feeling blossom inside the cracks of her heart.

They then moved on to cooking the pasta, with her teaching him how to achieve the ideal texture. She would just instruct him and he would follow suit like a kid, excited every time she complimented that the taste was sitting just right.

"It was your first time but this is impressive," She remarked.

He beamed with pride, eyes shining with a glimmer of accomplishment. "Learning from the best! I couldn't have done it without your guidance"

Haya informed him that the pasta would be ready by now, and with eager anticipation, he reached for the lid of the pot. However, as he lifted it, a sudden burst of hot steam engulfed his face, causing his eyes to sting. Startled by the unexpected heat, he instinctively let go of the lid, allowing it to clatter back onto the pot.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed, blinking rapidly and rubbing his eyes to soothe the discomfort.

Haya rushed over to him grabbing a towel. "Are you okay?" she asked, this was the reason why she didn't want to enter the kitchen, something would mess up it always does.

He nodded, still blinking to clear his vision. "Just got a little steam in my eyes. It took me by surprise."

Haya damped the cloth and handed it to him. "Hold this against your eyes. It'll help soothe the burning sensation."

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