36. Spilled

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A/N: Reader's discretion advised


You attract what you fear.

It's true at least after seeing Haya's state right now, having lived the exact same life she feared the most. It's not even in her hands to change anything but to be vulnerable and give up.

"I c-can't" Haya choked out a loud sob which ended up muffled because of the palm of her hand she placed on top of her mouth to prevent noise squeezing her eyes shut to make the tears from the brim of her eyes fall.

"What is that you can't, babe tell me" Rabi looked at her with a pitiful stare,every moment a fear bugging her that Adnan might barge in on them and cause a ruckus. They were just two women after all who stood no chance against a man.

"He tells me t-that he, he loves me" Haya tried put the words together ."A-and I l-love him too"

"That's a good thing buttercup ain't it? What's making you cry?" She asked in the slowest voice, softly wiping the tear stained cheeks of Haya who shook her head sniffling.

"Rabi, what w-will I do if I am not the only person he loves. If his love is shared. I can't live with that. I can't" Haya said with a new set of tears that started rolling down her face.

People in love with each other don't share their partner. Do they?

Rabi didn't quite understand it but she got the clue. That bastard.

"Sweetheart, you in there?"

Both women spun their head towards the door with horrified looks on their faces thankfully the door was bolted from inside. Before Rabi could register his presence Haya was quick witted to spare a second and fly out of the room through a connected balcony door, the swaying of curtains behind her said she was gone.

There was a knock on the door, a heavy one, breaking Rabi out of the trance of how the hell should she handle the situation. She was terrified, hands shaking and legs crumbling. Haya left her just like that, but she did the good thing. There was nothing to be afraid of. She had to open the door very nonchalantly and deny Haya's presence. She can do it.

She was avoiding Adnan to the fullest therefore, always locked in the room unless he was out or for meals that were obviously in Haya's presence only. He was making moves on her, she could sense which were growing to make her uncomfortable. Sly smirks, thrown flirtatious sentences, fake compliments and ogling her even.

She had suspected the man the very day she visited Haya because no one can judge a swinger but a witty woman, it only takes the right eyes. It's crazy how the instincts work but never did she think things would go this far.

Back to present Adnan was still knocking on the door. With mustering a basket full of courage and plastering the fakest smile ever and masking her anger and resentment she unlocked the door.

"Is Haya in here? I couldn't find her anywhere in the house" He said barging past Rabi and entering the room.

"She is not?" Rabi moved aside.

"Ah! I See" He said, still eyeing every corner of the room while scratching the back of his neck, his eyes gaping at the details. He glanced at the open glass door to the balcony too but didn't go towards it. "Might be in some other room" He chuckled awkwardly.

Rabi was just waiting for the damned man to leave but seemed like he had other plans.

"What were you doing by the way?" He asked, back with the sly smirk.

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