24. Road To Ruins

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A/N: Longest chapter I've written until now, ignore the mistakes please, here we go..


3rd Person's POV

He heard those words for the first time like that. Loud and clear. It didn't drift away with the air. It hung there, around him, like a cloak. A cloak that was suffocating him, tightening around him mercilessly. Shavez let those words ring in his ears constantly. He tried soaking in the pain those words caused.

He couldn't comprehend a single coherent thought after what Zaki had said. 

"This is no time to play with my feelings you know?" A shaky breath escaped his lips, "You can do it all you want later, but first let me know the truth"

Truth was already said to him but his mind couldn't register it, wouldn't register it, he refused to believe that was possible.

"We can speak to Adnan, we know him" Zaki replied and Shavez hated how he spoke, like it was already set. Like she was Adnan's possession now. Reminding him that he can no longer think about her. No longer manifest their future together.

"Shut up! I hate hearing your voice" he grunted and hung up before hearing anything else. He didn't particularly hated Zaki's voice but everything which surrounded him at the moment.

He couldn't stay calm not when his entire world came crashing down upon him and the weight was too much to handle.

He started the car and made his way to nowhere, he just wanted to get away, get away from her, the pain and himself.

A constant pang in his heart hitting him with so much cruelty that it hurt, it physically hurt him. He clutched his coat above his chest leaving heavy breaths for it was difficult to breathe.

He rushed his car at full speed without a destination in mind the coldest wind brushing past his face and hands making his body all numb yet he hoped , if only it was his heart which had gotten numb.

His phone buzzed on the passenger seat continuously, he didn't care to spare a glance for whoever was calling, Zaki probably, he wasn't in a state to talk, be it anyone, so he shut the phone and tossed it down onto the back seat.

His grip on the steering wheel was firm as he took turn, knowing where exactly he has to go.


The door shut behind her with a soft thud, Rabi was eagerly waiting for her on the couch leaning forward but Haya didn't look at her instead went towards her and took seat beside. 

"I'm going to resign" She said gaze still fixed down on her lap.

"So you have decided?"Rabi frowned. "Don't you think it's too soon. You can take more time you know? You don't have to oblige to whatever dad wants you to do" 

"I know I want this, Maybe Rabi-" She looked at Rabi with desperation in her eyes shining with moisture along the brim of her eyes, she continued"-Maybe this decision will be the answer to all my prayers, Maybe he will be the person I deserve. I have no reason to turn down on something which can turn my life into something beautiful, something I wanted to have since long, since forever" 

She pulled up her knees close to her chest, arms around them, "Maybe it wouldn't end in ashes this time" She sighed. " What if it all works out in the end? I can hold onto some hope, no?"

" 'course you can, Whatever decision you make, you'll find me here, standing beside you and rooting on you, always" Rabi pulled her into a loose hug and she let her do that, she wanted comfort for today, she needed a friend.

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