33. Swindler

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"You really thought you could sneak out like that without me getting a clue" Adnan sat by the edge of the bed with a glass of water in his hand while Haya stood like a criminal, already proven guilty in custody standing before him after gently closing the door behind.

"I-I didn't-" she could only murmur hesitantly.

"You didn't, what?" He raised an eyebrow lifting the glass up.

"I didn't s-sneak out" She uttered very very courageously.

"You have the fucking audacity to lie to my face when I saw you sneaking out with my own eyes, huh, Haya tell me what explanation do you have?" He spat.

"W-water.." Her words got clogged in her throat when Adnan suddenly got up pouring water from the glass he was holding straight on her head.

"Is that enough or you need more?" His wickedness plastered on his face as he went towards the table bedside and poured some more water into the glass.

Haya stood silent, gaze fixated on the floor, her hands forming tight fists, nails digging into her skin as she prevented shivering due to the cold.

"Here, drink it" He lifted her face up with his one hand and the other, pushing the glass pouring water into her mouth. Desperate coughs left her throat as the water was not allowing her to breathe.

The glass emptied eventually with water spilled across her neck due to the overflow. Less inside, more around her.

"Oh sweetheart", he breathed "You better not lie to me next time okay?" He took hold of her freezing hand and made her sit beside himself on the bed.

"I didn't-"

"You didn't, what?" He asked, pushing away the strands of her hair which stuck on her neck.

"I-I didn't see the w-water here"

"Oh my god do you not understand, I told you not to lie!? I so much want to ruin your face right now but can't do that since your little sister's here. So behave, okay?" He threatened, caressing the side of her face.

"W-what do you think of me?" Haya blurted out without a second thought.

"What do I think of you?" He looked at her with mild surprise, "You are a prized possession of mine. Mine, sweetheart" He repeated.

"I-I have never denied it" She certainly should shut up before his temper gets ahead of him which won't be good for her.

"But weirdly" He turned her face by her chin to make her look into his hooded eyes. "You painfully remind me of him and it gives me joy that you're mine and not his"

"What?" She mumbled, feeling all synonyms of confusion and terrified equally. Whether she should ask or simply get some sleep.

"Should I call him your lover boy, hm? that bastard." The gentle touch was now firm and hurting her jaw "Heard he's gone out of his mind ever since" And when he looked at Haya's puzzled state he took the name."Shavez"

Of Course it is him, has to be. Always him, for unknown reasons.

"I-I have n-never associated myself with him" a tear rolled out of her eye.

"But he did, didn't he?"

"I-I don't know, and why does- why should it m-matter?"

"You don't know!" he muttered angrily, letting go of her jaw. "That bastard claimed everything that was supposed to be mine!"

"So I snatched.." He gestured a paw with his hand and clenched it into a fist "..the one thing which brought him to ruins. Ain't I just great!" He spoke excitedly.

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