25. When It Rains

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A/N: Too many scenes ahead, try not to get confused. 


"Sorry just-" Shavez tried to blink away the tears "I don't know-" He grabbed a tissue paper dabbing it on his eyes, making it absorb the tears. 

"Hey" Zaki was shocked, vey stunned to see Shavez this vulnerable, shedding tears for a girl? never had he seen Shavez cry, they were friends since elementary school. He had seen him being through so much.

He cried one night, crawled up in his arms and that was after his father's death, but after that, he never did. It was like crying was deleted from his system. But now when Zaki was seeing those tears, he knew this was huge. And somehow needs amendment at any cost.

"Hey...let's talk to Adnan okay, I'm sure he'll understand?"

Shavez shook his head sitting back on his chair, taking the glass of water Zaki offered him and gulping it down.

"I'll get over it"He said placing the glass back on the table. "It's just that she was here just now, a-and I couldn't-"

"What do you mean, I'm going to talk to him, and why did she come here?"

Shavez didn't reply instead looked over to where the papers were kept. Zaki took the signal and reached to see what it was.

"So soon?" Taking hold of the invitation card, examined it turning it from front to back.

"I don't want you to do anything Zaki, the invites are done, now that I got one. She is happy, I wanted to make her happy but guess it's not meant to be me. But i-it's okay" He breathed "It's okay, all that matters is, she's happy, she deserves to be"

"Why are you acting like a coward? This is not the Shavez I know. This is not how you deal with things" Zaki yelled at him. "You don't give up!"

"I know, but I have no choice" Shavez replied with his head hung low.

"Ain't gonna tell me why?"

Shavez didn't answer he just sat there with an ache in his heart.

"You are not going to tell your best friend? What's the use of me then, huh? When I can't even know what's going on with you"

"Just- let it be Zaki please, it's not about you"

"Ofcourse" Zaki mumbled without pushing him over, more.

Since the day Shavez came to know about this, he was determined to not get in between the two, he accepted what fate has written for him. It was not what he wanted to, it was not easy for him to, he didn't cry but didn't smile either, it was like all of the lights were shut down from his life and all that was left, was darkness, pitch black.

Even though he decided to let go, his heart wanted to give one try, just once he wanted to tell Haya what he feels for her. He wanted to know the reaction.

But then it was too late.

Every one in the office were talking about the duo, were envying Adnan, praising him for how lucky he was to get Haya in his life. Shavez had to hear all of it and it was very tortuous not to react on any of it and act cool.

On the contrary, Haya was contented with whatever was going on in her life at that moment, she was looking forward to the new beginnings and was kind of excited.

Humming a low rhythm she gathered all the stuff from her cabin which belonged to her because she no longer will be visiting the place and gave one last look to the entire room.

She was going to get promoted after Faiza's wedding but life is all about unexpected occurrences. Her father told about the will of Adnan, which was Haya giving the resignation and leaving the job. She implied on it without a second thought.

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