42. Persistent

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A/N: We have come to the second time leap in the story, a big thanks to all who stayed and supported me by reading throughout. The story will catch a quick pace from now, brace yourselves!


She hibernated like a winter bear as the time slipped away from the frosty month into the onset of a beautiful season of which she was quite heedless.

The captivating cool bliss of the budding season did not aver any significant clout as it should have. It was the calmest season though, when she could put it as a rock of snow, frigid and severe to hold in her delicate palm, had now dropped down melting into the water from her hands to sink into the ground giving birth to green life. It was spring.

Though there was no life left in her, she wasn't entirely lifeless. Never had she thought to come out of something so severe that chained her existence within a mere week.

Lord and his plans, they can't ever be predicted, could they?

And so she didn't ever think of living a life different from what it had been for two years until suddenly everything broke apart rather say everything was falling back into place.

She was free of that wretched man's paws and she choose not to interfere in any matters going on with the case. She didn't know how did Adnan even sign those papers but didn't dare ask simply because she didn't care what happened after they took the papers from her.

She was constantly inquired about Adnan's behavior towards her by the police, her lawyer was also doing his best but the case had just started.

She wanted to feel at ease, to let go of the darkness enveloping her mind, but inner demons are not so easy to fight with and hence she was trying still.

She felt fine though, the type of fine she wished to feel for a very long time.

It's been almost three months since she got titled as divorced, she was unwilling at first, to sign those papers, of course, anyone would. To have yourself called a divorced woman has always been considered as existing with an open scar for everyone to look at and feel pitiful. 

Or considered a disgraced, rejected woman.

Fearful of how the change might reflect upon her already annihilated life her fingers froze and the pen refused to move forward, her mind went blank and she couldn't even educe her signature from it.

She would have given up and accepted the life that she felt was written for her as her fate, she had accepted it anyhow, has always done that but the things Rabi said stirred her desisted state.

"What would you want your mother to do in a situation like this?" She asked.

"I-I wouldn't want her to live with my father, I told her many times to part ways but she-she never listened to me" Haya replied.

"Why would she not?"

"She was afraid"

"Of what?"

"She had nowhere to go to. But she had me-me.. she could have relied on me-"

"I want you to do the same" Rabi interrupted giving her a small smile. "I want you to put your trust in me and sign those papers" She pointed towards the papers kept in front of Haya.

Haya was taken aback by Rabi's statement, she was not her own sister, she was someone Haya resented all her life, only accepted her into her house out of pity and she was asking her to trust her, she could never, but the way Rabi was looking at her it felt some angel has descended just for rescuing her out of the clutches of that despicable man.

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