28. Abhorrence

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A/N: Italics represent the events happened in the past. This chapter is mostly description in the first part, but there's mention of important events so don't skip.


She layed down with her back on a mattress and hands crossed, loosely kept on her stomach, eyes were closed. If anyone would see her may probably think how calm she looks right now but her insides were quite the opposite.

She was an ocean, which looked calm and peaceful from outside, only the travellers may know it was hiding all the storms and cyclones occuring beneath the facade. No one travelled her so no one knew and could ever know.

A tear escaped her eye travelling down to her earlobe it was ticklish but she didn't bother to wipe it. She had the habit of enduring anything anyways.

Batting her lashes open she was surrounded by thick darkness of the room. Nothing in particular was visible because the light was off and the window shut with blinds, preventing even the moonlight to seep ways.

It was so dark like a void in which she was just existing and breathing, nothing else.

"Fucking finally"
Adnan had said, the first thing after their marriage. She didn't know then what was she getting into. She was happy, really happy but after those words were heard in the dim hazy light of her beautifully scented room she saw that happiness being stabbed with a knife.

"You know", he came and sat on the bed side while Haya was still sitting on a stool in front of dresser head bowed like it always has to be "I've won you. It's an achievement I would shout to the world about."

These words were meant to be romantic hence her lips gently curved upwards, but what followed twisted the knife in her heart making the smile immediately drop, "I have snatched you from right under the nose of that bastard"

She remembers the exact words that were said to her, because she never let that go off her mind. It was like a broken record playing the same song on repeat again and again, it would not stop even if it was smashed on the floor to get rid of the annoying noise.

"I have snatched you from right under the nose of that bastard,you are all mine now".

She closed her eyes again recalling memories of their first night together. Never was she so heart broken.

There was a fist of clay in her larynx not letting her speak, her words were stuck there. What was Adnan talking about? she wanted to ask him but she just couldn't because she knew who exactly he was talking about.


The origin of all her problems, the cause of her miserable life. The element of her suffering.

She hated him since that day, from the bottom of her heart she just hated him.

A sharp sting on her cheek brought her back to reality. She didn't know when did the tears start flowing from her eyes until she opened her eyes to find the sides of her face wet, she sat up only for the tears to change the direction and now flow downwards.

She used her hands to quickly wipe them off and got up from the bed to turn on the light, a quick glance on the clock indicated it was almost time for Fajr.

Her nights were always like this, sleepless and drowning in whirlpool of thoughts which were basically useless.

She washed her face with cold water to erase every remnant of her distressed night. Grabbing an ointment from the drawer she gently applied it on her cheek which had faint red marks from the slap earlier.

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