57. Harrow

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It wasn't a big deal really, Haya had taken his name all the time with a professional honorific 'Sir' added to the name, she could do it in a jiffy if she wanted to, she just had to utter the same thing minus the Sir.

Are you aware of that feeling when you are doing a chore and someone's watching you, so a blunder is bound to happen? Yeah, she was feeling the same way, like she will mess up if she tries to utter anything at that moment because he was waiting for her to speak, and the way he was looking at her, gaze fixed, she couldn't muster up a word.

"Uh-" Why can't he just listen to what I have to say?

He was more attentive now, eager to see the vowels of his name slipping from her tongue. It was after years he would hear her call him by his name. The thought alone filled his heart with a nostalgic feeling where she would casually barge into his cabin taking his name, and he used to like it so much, he always chose to ignore the 'sir' she added at the end.

"You won't have my attention then" He turned his face, acting a bit offended, and picked the laptop back from the sofa.

"No-" she tried speaking.

"Hm?" He hummed still not looking at her.

"Sh-Shavez" she breathed out with utmost difficulty battling with her mind for taming her tongue to behave, but to her surprise she found Shavez tilting his head more to the other side rather than turning towards her. Did I say something wrong? She got worried.

As for Shavez, He could swear that his name never sounded so appealing, so enchanting, holding him captive for life when taken but by her. He felt the hair on his skin stand and soon after, warmth gushed into his blood for the amount of contented he was.

A second later he turned to look at her and due to the reflection of light, she could see his eyes sparkling for some reason, more than normal, she couldn't fathom why.

"I didn't know my name can ever sound this good," He said whole heartedly as he motioned her to sit since she was standing for a long. "You have my attention now" he smiled.

She was supposed to feel flustered at the comment like all wives do but she didn't feel anything, couldn't show the shyness on her face, it always held a plain straight expression and she had a good reason to be emotionless, she had been snatched of the ability to feel before landing here.

"I need something," she said, her head bowed down as she looked at fingers fiddling with them.

"Name it" he stated.

"Uh- the bag, the m-med, my bag had medicines, and they are not here, I will have to ask Rabi to bring it," she said gathering all the courage she had.

"Yeah I know, I asked her to remove it," he said now sitting straight joining his hands by his fingers above his knees.

"I need them," she said desperately panic rising in her throat which she tried to suppress by batting her lashes and looking at him.

"Are you not feeling well? I knew something was wrong and you didn't answer me when I asked."

"I will just need to take the pills I will be alright," she said as her face got paler.

"You don't need any pills, no medicines are allowed in this house," he said, firm in his tone.

"What do you mean? I have to take them, you don't know, they are important - I can't "

"Haya listen to me first" He looked at the creases forming on her forehead in worry. "I spoke to Dr. Suzie and she instructed me not to give you the medicines at all. She declared them harmful to your body"

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