10. Hunt

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he stood at the entrance of the apartment, contemplating whether to enter or not. It was the fifth house they had visited today, and both of them were feeling hungry.

"I'm hungry," she commented.

"I know, right? This is the last one for today. I hope it's better than the previous ones, or we'll have to come again tomorrow," Faiza replied.

"I hope," she sighed, "I'm sorry for all this trouble. You didn't have to, you know."

"Mhmm," Faiza shook her head. "I got a day off because of this, so it was worth it, completely." they both chuckled."Apartment number... 708, right?"

"Yes," she confirmed. "This one, right here."

Upon entering, she found herself in what appeared to be a living room. It wasn't very large, but it was just the right size. Walking to the opposite end of the entrance door, she noticed another room with a balcony. It seemed to be a bedroom. She stood there for a few minutes, gazing from the balcony when Faiza interrupted.

"There's a kitchen to the left in the living room. Did you check that out?" she asked from the bedroom entrance, visible through the glass door.

"There is? I didn't," she admitted, leaving the balcony. "I think I'll rent this one," she decided after looking thoroughly, on their way to get some food, they discussed the apartment choice.

"Yes, I personally liked that one too. It's the perfect size with no extravagance," Faiza commented.

"And it's not very far from the office," she added. They sat at a table to eat. Faiza received a call so she excused herself.

Haya had always dreamt of a life like this, one where she had independence. Her mother had trusted her so much, even when Haya didn't fully believe in herself. She longed for a life of autonomy, and now that she had achieved it, she felt a sense of emptiness.

Faiza returned from her call in the meantime the order arrived too"When are you planning to shift now that you've chosen the apartment?"

"Tomorrow, probably."

"Tomorrow?," Faiza furrowed her brows.

"Is there a problem?"

 "Yeah, not that. We were planning a welcome party for you tomorrow, as Zaki mentioned, but you'll be busy tomorrow. I'll inform everyone."

"That isn't necessary at all, Faiza. We have a lot of work to do, and partying amidst the work will ruin the schedule."

"We'll manage that," Faiza smiled.

"No, I won't agree to this at all."

"It's already decided, Haya."

"Let's celebrate if the meeting is successful. Celebration for something like that is needed, not this."

"Good point. We can celebrate both, together after the success," Faiza nodded in agreement.

They finished their meal, and Faiza mentioned that Zaki would pick her up. Curiosity got the better of her, and she inqured, "Zaki? Are you two..um, together?"

"Umm... well, I should say yes. We are planning to talk to our parents soon," Faiza replied with a smile.

"Wow, good for both of you. I wish you luck. I don't know him very well, but he seems like a good man who will take care of you," she said with sincerity.

"Thank you," Faiza responded with a wide smile.

"I can literally see you blush," she teased.

They both laughed. She thanked Faiza again for accompanying her and noted that she was a well behaved girl, a charming one.

"The best part of the day is when I pour my heart out in front of my Lord," she thought. After offering Isha prayers, she sat on her bed with her back resting on the headboard. Her phone received a notification, welcoming her to a group chat with all her colleagues. People started sending her welcome messages and best wishes. She was touched by the warm welcome.

Then, another notification popped up from Sir Shavez. She was taken aback; it was 10 PM. She debated whether to reply in the morning, but she was concerned that if he saw her online and messaged her, ignoring the message wouldn't be appropriate.

Shavez: Hello 

Haya: Yes, Sir. 

Shavez: Are you done with your apartment hunt? 

Haya: Yes, I did. I'm planning on shifting to that place tomorrow. 

Shavez: That's great. (Seen) 

Shavez: I wanted to apologise for not being able to accompany you today because I was stuck with some work. 

Haya: It's fine, Sir. I appreciate you sending Faiza instead. 

Shavez: Did she tell you about the welcome party being held for you, just a minor one? 

Haya: Yes, she did mention it. I believe she'll discuss the details with you.

Shavez: Okay, See you tomorrow.

She let out a sigh and gently placed her phone on the bedside table. Living alone was undeniably daunting, but she knew she had to muster the courage for herself. and that courage she derived from people who were willing to not make her feel alone, people whom she didn't know very well but they were ready to help. For now, this support was sufficient.

In the days that followed, the next day and the entire week, life became incredibly hectic for Haya. The demanding tasks of her office work combined with the challenges of moving and settling into her new home kept her fully occupied. Within just a week, numerous significant events had transpired. It all seemed nearly too perfect to be real. With her first official meeting rapidly approaching, everyone was diligently striving to secure the company's triumph.


A/N: I'll meet you soon with another chapter..

Until then, just take care of yourself 🌸
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