68. Fiasco

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Haya watched him walk back into the house, as he disappeared from her sight. With a sigh, she turned her attention to the table where the candles, now almost burnt out, flickered in their dying glow. She picked up the extinguisher and gently snuffed out the remaining flames, one by one, the lawn plunging into darkness as she did so.

Love, it was not supposed to hurt as Adnan implied, constantly made her feel like Love is named after Hurt. They go hand in hand. No, now that she experienced being loved, it was beautiful, giddy, and such a happy feeling.

She knew not all people are lucky enough to be loved, her mother wasn't. To claim that special place in someone's heart is all by luck, and not everyone's forte, but some are... some people are so damn lucky because they are loved, and to Haya being loved felt like she has grown flowers all over her soul. Like each flower had a different sweet fragrance.

Even though she never considered herself pretty, Shavez made her feel like he can never get enough of those fragrances emitting from her, and can't get enough of those exquisite flowers, can't get enough of her.

Being loved felt immaculate.

It was getting chilly as the winds blew swiftly quiet carrying specs of ice with them landing on her face...it was about to rain so she decided to go inside. She didn't want to lose this chance of telling him about the child, now that she had mentally prepared herself so much. Delaying it further will only cause her to back away and procrastinate. Acting on instincts was better.

The living room was almost dark but with a faint light, she lifted her head to see the source. It was coming from his study so she assumed he might be there. She climbed the steps when faint voices of him reached her ears,

She stood by the door about to knock when "What do you mean scary?" He asked glancing at the clock it was almost nine o'clock, "I was not informed about his shifting yet." He said, "The construction is still going on so be careful and walk straight to the right. After the first building ends there's another. Talk to the receptionist of that building she'll guide you about Haya's child"

Her ears ringed at the sudden words poured involuntarily in her ears from him, she sure heard it wrong. Did he really say..My son? MY CHILD? He knows, this can't be happening this can't be happening. This can't be!

Shavez let out a throaty chuckle and she had to stare at his eyes teary and vision losing focus, "That's pretty much it" he told someone. She didn't know who was on the other side, and what construction site. Did he kidnap her child and kept him hidden on some construction site, she didn't know what to think.

"Not any outsider but you. I have put your name under the guardian of the child. Just tell them that I sent you." What the hell is he talking about? Who the hell is on the other side?

"No don't call me, text instead. I was not informed, which means the shifting hasn't happened yet. If it's tomorrow I'll be able to go. So just let me know about that"

Shifting? Who is being shifted? From where?? To where?? She saw Shavez ending the call and trudged towards the stairs attempting to run downstairs which she was successful in a blink of an eye because the wind seemed to carry her, there was no way she could walk after what she had heard him talk on the phone.

The room was dark, just like the rest of the house and it felt like a reflection of her innermost feelings. It was hard to hold back the tears as the floodgates of emotions opened.

Why? Just why??

She felt a harsh slap across her cheek that would leave a stinging itch for a long.. how could she be so stupid?

The sound of steps jolted her up from the seat. Shavez might be coming down, she immediately ran into the washroom and shut the door.

She cried without a voice from her throat, it wasn't moments ago that he confessed to her that he loves her. What a liar! what a fucking liar!

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