20. Cherry blossoms

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The sweet scent of fresh made pancakes and the noises from the kitchen travelled to the bedroom making Haya rub her eyes open. Yes she had a company now, she was not used to having people around at home so it was bothersome for her but she had to get used to it, She got up waddling her way to the living room.

She let Rabi stay, she chose to brave this once, she chose to be good. It was not the girl's fault so she chose to forgive her, it felt like revisiting the past and all of her wounds were refreshed and it ached her heart. She couldn't sleep because of the cuts which were buried deep inside her came to the surface and her mind replayed everything like some never ending movie.

"Good morning!" A very cheerful voice of her sister made her look around and process that all the chores of the day had been already done.

"Why are you up so early?" She questioned "Not to mention all that you've already done" taking seat on the couch, she brushed her thoughts off.

"Are you not going to work today, is it a day off?"

"Yeah, it is. Why do you ask? Don't tell me you did all this because I have to go."She raised her eyebrow.

"Quite opposite actually, I did all the chores because I won't be there for the entire day. Applied for a few jobs for which I will be interviewed today." Rabi explained.

"Good for you" She said simply because she knew Rabi getting a job was necessary for both of them to live together.

"You'll be bored for the whole day alone I guess?"

"I won't, I have a wedding to attend in the evening so I'll be busy"

"Mhm, whose wedding?" Rabi approached where Haya was seated on the couch handing her a coffee mug. She looked at her for a brief second before taking it.

"A coworker, an ex coworker to be precise. That's the reason today's a day off."

"So you won't be here when I come back"

"Yeah, by the way" Haya said after a pause "I've been meaning to ask you, you didn't update me on the uni guy, your senior I guess, the one I spoke to?"

She fell silent. Haya expected them to be together still, but the expression Rabi wore said otherwise. When Haya spoke to the boy, he seemed to be genuine. But one can't judge the book by just reading the first page. Can we?

"We aren't together anymore" Rabi said batting her eyelashes and looking away "It was me not him who ended things." She made it clear because she knew next thing Haya would think was he cheating on her or leaving her.

"But why?"

"The experience we had with our father will never let us trust any man I guess?" She said getting up from the couch to grab her belongings.

"That was the reason? Really?"


"He might have been different, you shouldn't have done that you know, but what can I say it's up to you."

Rabi just nodded. "I'll leave, take care and yes gimme a call when you're heading out" she came towards Haya and gave her a side hug it was very awkward to be honest but she didn't react, they were not that close.

"Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something" Rabi said holding the door still after putting on her sandals.

"Oh yes! I bought something for you, I totally forgot to give it and also we weren't on good terms" She said and rushed to get something out from her luggage which was just one bag by the way. "I purchased it long ago but couldn't gather courage to give you and then you moved out" She said handing a box which was gift wrapped.

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