13. Interrogation

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"Why do you look so gloomy?" Haya enquired Faiza upon noticing her mood taking a down turn since morning.

"Me? No." She stated plainly.

"You sure nothing's wrong? I'm here if you wanna talk about it, you know that right." She tried to take in confidence.

"Yes thankyou. Everything is good" Faiza replied, "I think it's the tireness from work'

"Well then don't overwork yourself, its not like you're under some pressure of deadlines are you?"


"Alright then, I'll get going" she got up from Faiza's desk to head towards her own.

"You came because?"

"Just to check up on you. You might think it goes unnoticed, but it doesn't "

Faiza looked at her for a few seconds, as if thinking, contemplating something "Are you done with the work?" She asked.

"I just have to wrap up, done for the day?" She replied with relief. "What about you?'

"Done already" She raised her hands getting up from her desk. "Are you free after work then" Faiza asked sceptically.

"Yeah no plans for today. I'mgonna go home and lie down for the rest of the day"

"Um..before that' Faiza followed her to her desk where she started arranging her table, "Can we go out somewhere, just the two of us? "

"Sure sure, if that helps in anyway I will gladly come along. " Haya looked up at her and nodded enthusiastically.

Shedid a small movement to her head .

They were seated on a bench in nearby park where Faiza led Haya to. It's been more than a month since Haya started working at the company and the two actually shared a good bond.

The sun just showed it's presence to light the world as it's only concern, there was no harshness in it's light, it was rather cool with breeze swaying their apparel.

"So what's going on?" Haya chose to break the silence after noticing Faiza zoned out for most of the time.

"Just good"

"Spill the beans, Faiza. I know something's off, I even noticed Zaki being distant. Is everything alright between you two? I know it's not my place to talk but I can't seem to bear this." As she said this, Faiza turned to look at her and then lowered her gaze stroking the grass beneath her foot with her sandals.

"I don't know what's happening" She said in a very low voice while Haya patiently waited for her to continue.

"It's been a week since his behavior towards me changed, the one who cared for me acts like he's so done with me. I don't know what I did to offend him"

"Did you talk to him about it, did you ask him?"

"No I did not. He doesn't even give me any chance, I used to get tons of messages from him everyday every second and now it's been 3 days since he texted me. I'm too afraid."

"Afraid of what.... if he doesn't texts you, you should. If he doesn't call you, you should, duh " Haya said.

"I don't want to, I'm afraid of seeing my worst fears coming to haunt me as reality. What if things actually end, I can't bear it I just can't." She was holding tears for so long but at this they escaped her eyes.

"You are assuming things my dear, you better talk to him, holding onto things will cause more pain than letting them go, and think of what if you're wrong and what if Zaki is actually in some sort of trouble and couldn't tell you about it. We never know! "

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