58. Standpoint

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The huge curtains blocking the sunlight to peep through the windows were pulled away allowing the illumination to pool inside the contents of the room which included Haya sleeping peacefully, but due to the disturbance in her surroundings and the pricking light which touched her lids made her draw her hand above her eyes, scrunching the eyebrows.

"Good Morning" She heard Shavez's joyful voice and removed the hand from above her face as her eyes had now adjusted to the light. He was the one to do the deed, she thought, looking at him as he came and stood by the bed after opening a window.

The fresh cool breeze of early morning had started penetrating through them, immediately lifting her mood. She glanced at them first and then at Shavez who was in his office clothes, by the looks of it he seemed to be ready to leave for work.

With a slow nod she acknowledged his presence and lifted herself, hand supporting on one side, she sat as her comforter gathered into her lap. Her face was a bit puffy after waking up just a few moments ago, her hair were a mess, sticking on her neck and strands flying in all directions, and even in that messy state, she looked adorable to him, emitting the resemblance of a swan.

"Slept well?" He asked sliding both hands into the pockets of his pants, his adorning gaze unwavering on her. A smile never left his lips as if it was molded clay. Haya felt that it was almost a rhetorical question, the events that transpired at night started reeling in, it was an awful night, and when she thought about it, a sudden pain shot up her head causing her to wince immediately.

"Are you alright?" He asked panicked, as he moved forward to sit in front of her.

"Yeah, just a headache" She mustered.

"I hope you don't catch a cold", he said when Haya was setting her foot on the carpet of the floor glancing at the soft surface, to locate one of her slippers, "Sorry for waking you up, I was really worried and had to see you were okay before I leave for work." He said as he bent down to retrieve the slipper from under the bed and placed the pair for her to wear.

"I'm fine" she assured him, feeling embarrassed that she worried him for no reason, then she suddenly recalled that Shavez had not even gotten the sleep she took.

"D-did you?" She asked catching his attention because she seldom initiated any kind of talk which took Shavez by surprise but he showed it mildly. "Did you sleep well?"

"Awfully well" He drew his eyebrows close with a curve tugging at his lips leaving it to Haya to figure out what he meant by that.

What was that supposed to mean? Haya pondered. Awfully well? So does that mean awful or does that mean well? She couldn't resolve it.

"Does apple pudding for breakfast work for you?" He asked attempting to leave the room.

"Yes," she mumbled, a strange feeling lingering in her heart, mind contemplating, fathoming about why would he not ask about the previous night. And what truly appeared to be strange was that he wasn't mad at her, she didn't know why would he be, but she felt like she might have left a reason for sure.

It was true that she had never seen Shavez angry at anyone, disappointed, dejected, yes- if something went wrong in the company, but angry? She tried to recall that she had never seen him truly angry- ablaze.

His tone went firm and demanding at times but not in outrage, more so in a commanding manner which was essential.

"Come, sit" He stood by a chair pulling it out for her to sit first, this was the etiquette she learned that he always heeded and didn't know how to feel about it, it was all new and peculiar.

She did so, and as she was about to hold the dish to serve he got hold of it first and poured the contents into the bowl kept in front of her on the table. She had to seize her moments, and could just gape at Shavez.

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