7. Frantic

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Shavez flipped through the pages of Haya's file, each design showcasing her impressive talent, which he was very well aware of. He was thoroughly convinced that she was a remarkable designer.

"Are you currently employed?" He inquired.

"Yes, sir. I work for a local company," she responded dutifully.

"Is there a particular reason for your decision to leave your current job and apply here?" Shavez looked directly at her, seeking an explanation.

Haya remained silent, a hint of hesitation evident in her expression, because what she had to say, she did already.

Just then, the waiter arrived with their order, interrupting the conversation.

"I must admit that I appreciate your work. I'll be in town until the weekend. I'll contact you to inform you about any available vacancies, should I decide to hire you," he stated.

"Sure," Haya replied, her gaze focused on her coffee cup. It seemed as if she was eager to finish her drink and depart from the café.

Shavez purposefully acted as though he was engrossed in observing the coffee shop's patrons, pretending not to pay undue attention to his demeanor while finishing off his drink, time and again diving into her file to admire the work.

Haya lifted her veil from a corner and sipped through a straw, tilting her face to the side.

His phone rang, and he saw that it was Zaki calling.

"Hey, are you done?" Zaki's voice came through the phone.

"Yep, come pick me up in about five minutes," Shavez responded.

Ending the call, he turned to Haya. "Shall we leave?"

"Yes," she agreed, getting up from her seat.

Exiting the coffee shop, he waited until she hailed a taxi and departed.


The day had been long and exhausting. Shavez finally returned to his room, and the prospect of lying down on the bed felt like a luxury.

As he settled onto the bed, naturally reflecting on his humble beginnings. He remembered the days when he used to sleep on a simple floor mat. However, the image of his mother's tired yet smiling face remained etched in his memory—a constant source of encouragement for him to strive for success.

Quickly rising from the bed, he performed ablution, offered his Isha prayers, and then engaged in supplication, expressing his gratitude to Allah for all the blessings in his life.

With these spiritual routines done, he began reviewing vacancies within his staff. Faiza, the closest of friends, had mentioned that she would not be continuing her job after her marriage. Considering this, he pondered the idea of finding her replacement beforehand.

A knock at the door heralded the entrance of Zaki.

"Assalamualaikum," Zaki greeted.

"Walekum assalam. Finished with your adventure?" Shavez responded with a smile.

"Ah, yes!" Zaki exclaimed as he hopped onto the bed.

"Only two more days of relaxation before we return to the usual routine," he remarked.

"True, but at least we managed to enjoy ourselves during this break," Zaki agreed.

The conversation lulled as Zaki got up to perform ablution and offer his Isha prayers. Shavez patiently waited, eager to share his thoughts.

"So, what were you up to?" Zaki questioned as he settled back beside Shavez.

Handing over Haya's file, Shavez replied, "Take a look at this."

Zaki examined the designs within the file, nodding appreciatively. "Her work is undoubtedly impressive, don't you think?"

"Absolutely," Shavez concurred.

"But I don't understand. If she had to settle down in Canning Town why did she ever move here? We called her to confirm her job right but she took the file back, and now wants to rejoin."

"I wonder why too." Shavez hummed in agreement. "But I'll hire her, she seemed too desperate for the job and we never know what compulsion she might be in."

Zaki's face broke into a knowing smile. "No need for second thoughts. Just call and let her know that she's hired. She can start from the 1st of next month. Simple as that," he advised before turning over to sleep

Shavez couldn't help but chuckle to himself. His friend's directness was refreshing, even if it sometimes felt like Zaki was the one in charge. Yet, deep down, he knew he had been waiting for Zaki's assurance. Closing his eyes, Shavez embraced the decision that was now crystal clear

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