65. Huge Deal

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The following morning, Haya found herself relieved by Shavez's absence. She sat reflecting on the events of the previous day. Opening up to him was never part of her plan. It was never her intention to build any kind of bond with him because..when a born is formed, it's difficult to leave.

And she had to leave, her sole purpose was to find her son and leave the place. That had been her plan all along. But now, she was uncertain.

She pondered over her next steps. Shavez had become a source of comfort for her, and she felt a sense of safety in his presence. However, she couldn't deny that she wasn't the person he believed her to be.

Shavez thought about her as some ascended angel when in fact she was not. She had lived a life plagued by demons, how could she be called an angel?

While regret lingered, she remained determined to follow through with her decision to leave him. Finding her child was her priority, and she knew she needed to gain enough trust to be allowed to venture out of the house without arousing suspicion. Unfortunately, that seemed improbable given the current circumstances.

She knew very well that her choice would hurt him, but she had to prioritize her own needs this time. She needed to be selfish, just once in her life. She deserved that much.

"I was thinking" Shavez addressed her that morning. "We should go out, are you not tired of just staying indoors all the time?"

No, she didn't. She had grown accustomed to the familiarity of her own four walls, seeking solace within the boundaries.

At times, even if a bird is granted the freedom to soar through the open skies, it may choose to remain within the confines of its familiar cage. Similarly, She had never felt the urge to explore beyond her known world.

Lest, she nodded in agreement to Shavez's words, conforming to the expectations placed upon her.

"And if we invite Zaki with his family, it'll be like a small gathering, what say?"

"Yes" Her attention perked up on hearing that. "Ask them to bring Yusra along" She conveyed putting down her silver tea cup.

Beneath the newly constructed canopy, a gentle zephyr caressed their surroundings, carrying whispers of nature's embrace. Vases adorned with vibrant carnations graced the corners, their vivid hues an exquisite symphony of colours. At the heart of the table, a vase held a collection of pristine white roses, their petals unfurling like delicate clouds, releasing a fragrant melody that danced upon the air, enchanting all who beheld their beauty.

"That little one is the sole reason I am extending the invitation to them anyway," he remarked, leaning against the pillar with a serene expression.

"They might take offence if they were to overhear you" she replied, a faint smile painted on her pink lips. It bloomed with grace, illuminating the garden with its radiant glow.

"Oh," he murmured in awe, his voice laced with involuntary admiration. His steps led him to settle beside her, and she instinctively tensed at his proximity.

Carefully taking her hands into his own he stared at her while she stared back clueless of the sudden change in their atmosphere.

"You look so beautiful when you smile" he spoke after a while, "and...and I see that you don't stutter too," he said delightedly.

"I-I- y-yes I guess" she stuttered that very instant.

"I didn't mean the flustered stuttering since it's adorable" he commented giving a gentle squeeze to her palms.

"I would love to hear your laughter someday, oh how stars would gawk at you, the breeze would hold still resonating the voice until the birds know that they can never chirp as lovely as you do, Even the moon would find itself in a competition with your beauty..."

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