23. Hysteria

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Shavez was sure he woke up on the wrong side of his bed today, Not having Zaki by his side piled up his work a lot. He did take help of Adnan but he can only do so much.

Stressed with all the paper work he sat in his cabin, table messy and mind more. He didn't get proper sleep the previous night, this was what his body does to him if anything troubled him, he couldn't sleep, wouldn't even bat an eye.

Events from a day before whirling in his mind, his instincts were telling him something's gonna go very wrong and not telling Haya was erroneous.He shrugged, blaming it on lack of sleep.

"You're telling me you didn't even wish her?" Zaki asked, he was on call with Shavez.

"Yes I did not, the circumstances were not in which I could have told her anyways" Shavez groaned,"but it's ok, I'm glad I got to spend some quality time with her on her birthday"

"Damn you! you literally-- I don't know what to tell you, tell her how you feel Shavez it's high time now"

"I'll tell her, I'll do, I'm just worried now that her father is here and he's one scary person"

"Just do, don't wait for the right time, there will never be one" 

"When are you returning?" Shavez tried to change the topic.

"Three days maybe, yeah" He said before they started discussing work stuff.

The whole plan of taking Haya for an outing was because it was her birthday that day, and Shavez ended up not even wishing her. He was hesitant to tell her that because he really didn't know if she'd like it or not, and if she doesn't, he didn't want to spoil the fun so he chose not to.

It was the next day, Shavez didn't see Haya and it was lunch time now, he wondered why, there was no reason she wouldn't come to see him after what happened, they had said goodbye on good terms just a day before.

He intend to at least make it clear for Haya that him and Maria weren't a thing, that was troubling him the entire night, he wanted an opportunity to talk to her as soon as possible but she didn't come to his cabin at all. 

She usually comes to meet him before lunch at least once, everyday with some or the other work so he had a habit of seeing her and maybe that was the reason he was getting all worked up.

Or atleast, he would have a glance of her walking by his cabin, but that didn't happen either. Maybe she was actually busy with work, he tried to convince himself until he finally gave up and decided to go look for her and his excuse was the office tour which he does occasionally.

As soon as he got out of the room Mustafa was the first one to approach him, discussing various upcoming projects, events and work related stuff they were heading upstairs, He went past by her cabin but wasn't able to tell whether she was present inside or not. 

Seeing his focus distracted Mustafa knew at once what Shavez was looking for, it was so obvious, "Sir,Ms Haya didn't come today" He Informed him leaving Shavez dumbstruck.

"What?"  He asked confused, because he genuinely thought he didn't hear it right. 

"Ms Haya, she didn't inform you?" He asked "I thought you knew already" He said. 

"No, she did not" He said and immediately turned midway from the stairs back to head towards his cabin leaving Mustafa there itself, not that he cares anyway.

How could that possibly happen, the girl never once took an office leave, not even a single day since the day she had joined. Always said she loved coming to work instead of staying home. Shavez was worried stiff, he hastily pushed the door and entered his cabin, and the first thing he did after was set his coat on the back of his seat before ringing her up.

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