17. Wretched

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Shavez's pov

I unlocked the door upon getting no response to my knocks on the door, tossing the keys aside I lay down on the couch lazily loosening my tie wondering why was there no sign of my mum. I assumed she was in the kitchen upon hearing the tossing and rumbling of vessels.

"I'm home" I said in a voice loud enough to be heard by her and closed my eyes to relax after a strenuous day.

"Assalamualaikum" I heard her ,she came out of the kitchen smiling, wiping her hands with a towel.

"Walekum assalam, What's special?" I sat up while she same and sat on the same couch.

"You'll see what's special. Lie back down, you looked worked up" She said patting her lap.

"Well that's not the first time I look like that " I said getting comfortable in her lap and closing my eyes as she started stroking my hair.

If I had infinite tasks at my hand and at the end of the day if I get to lie in this place, I would happily devour everything. She was all I had and I was all she had since my dad's death. Never once did she complaint on why did she had to surpass all the raging storms at such young age.  After witnessing how broken yet beautiful soul she has,I was determined to give her all that she deserves. However I could never give her back, her husband.

With that my thoughts lingered to a certain someone with perfect eyes and firm expressions. How wonderful she looked with her eyes wide with the astonishment I could not spare a glance elsewhere the entire time she was seated before me on the ferris wheel. I felt my world complete at the moment. I wanted to tell her that. I have known her for months now, yet she never failed to amaze me with every thing she does and everything she doesn't.

A strong aroma hit my senses to which I suddenly started feeling hungry and jolted up.

"How long was it?" I said with a worried expression.

"What happened? it was just 15 minutes " My mum said.

"That long? Are your knees not numb?"

"I'm perfectly fine Shavez, get changed and come for dinner,I heard your stomach growling."

"Well yeah I am hungry" With that I went upstairs.


"Wow!" I exclaimed at the perfectly set dining table "Why did you do this, tell me already what's so special today?" I whined.


I looked towards the direction of voice to get the sight of Maria holding a tray and exiting the kitchen. 

"Were you here the entire time?" I was shook

"Seems like I was " She said smirking, gently placing the tray on the dining table and then getting comfortable on a chair. She and I graduated together so we kinda had a very good bond plus she was my paternal cousin. 

"Why didn't you inform me?" I turned towards my mother.

"She told me not to" My mother said innocently

"This is bad...Did you make all this?"

"Yes I did and no need to ramble on why did aunty let me do it.... I wanted to, trust me " She said amidst serving. 

"Well okay, but"

"No buts" She cut me off.

"I can't believe you made this, It's too good, everything! " I praised her as we went on with the dinner.

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