32. Miscue

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A/N: TW: Disturbing topics ahead⚠️. This phase of the story will be more focused on Haya part to make you understand her better and Shavez will have less screen time. But we'll get there.


"He is my brother"

"What!?" She gasped "He's your what now?"

"Well not quite literally so but our fathers were. We're cousins"

"That is quite literally so. Oh my god! what what what what what?!!" Saying Rabi was shocked was an understatement, she was blown out.

"What's with the reaction, you're too much seriously"

"You're telling me I should not react. Not happening. I refuse to believe. He doesn't look like you at all. You both are so different."

"Because we are different people"

"Don't duh me. I don't even know what to do with this information"

"No need to do anything just keep it to yourself"

"Why though?" There was no answer from his side so she just hummed, questioning him again.

"Because he didn't want anyone to know. We are more friends than brothers so it doesn't really matter"

"Why is it now that you are telling me then?"

"I don't know. I just felt like you should know."

"Okay" she meekly replied when there was a knock at the door "I have to go" She precipitously declined the call.


Rabi appeared to be worried with her brows drawn together since her phone call. Appeared-keyword.

"You didn't seem too well since that phone call," Haya voiced after a long wait. Never once had Adnan left the two alone contrary to what she wanted, for them to meet the privacy facet to discuss anything.

"Somethings bothering ain't it?"

"May I agree?"

"You should if that's true"

"You see, I will have to move out for a few days "

"What for?"

"Renovation" Rabi lied through her teeth smoothly. "The land lady's bugging all the residents and is on my nerves. Though I'll move back in when the renovation is done but I need a place to stay until then".

"Oh" Haya pulled her hand under her chin resting it above "How many days will that be for?"

"A month. That's what she says" And there was a pause when Rabi saw Haya looking at her husband with some emotion. He was busy with his laptop kept on the coffee table.

"Dearest" She called onto him deftly. Though it was so uncalled for, Rabi was delighted that Haya caught the clue. Adnan paused typing and hummed looking towards their direction. "Could Rabi stay with us for a few days?"

Please say yes. Please say yes!

They were countered with a questioning look from him marking that he didn't listen to what they were talking about earlier which lead to this question. Rabi knew she had to back herself up if she had to live here. "I'm having to move out and look for a place to live for a month or so. Won't it be better if I live here? Haya will have company too!" She effused.

He gave one brief glance at Haya "You may do as you wish" He laid a small smile before going back to whatever he was doing.

"Thank you!" Rabi said excitedly. "I'm grateful" She turned to Haya "I'll move in tomorrow. if that's okay"

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