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As I came to a halt my heart didn't stop beating so fast so I held my hand to my chest, closed my eyes and rested my head on the steering wheel

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As I came to a halt my heart didn't stop beating so fast so I held my hand to my chest, closed my eyes and rested my head on the steering wheel.

The cheers of people got louder and I shook my head before stepping out of the car, heading straight for Eli and Theo.

"Who won?" I asked as I stopped in front of him.

He looked petrified, I was too but only a little. I won't be surprised if I looked the same way he did right now.

"It was a tie," he spoke and once again my heart skipped a bit.

"What? That's impossible," my mouth dropped.

"It is possible," Theo piped in.

I looked at him in disbelief. No one, no single person had ever tied with me.

I turned my gaze to Anonymous and he was leaning on his car, arms crossed.

I walked over to him, "who are you?"

He just shrugged not answering my question and that got me angrier. I balled my hands in fists beside me before turning back to Theo.

He was now beside me, Eli came up behind me.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Either you split the money, meaning everyone goes back home with their five grand and forget about the race or you take your money and rematch," Theo said looking between Anonymous and I.

"Rematch," I said without skipping a beat.

"Li-Phoenix!" Eli exclaimed nearly saying my real name.

I gave him a warning look to control himself, "what? I want a rematch." I repeated.

"You have to think about this," he said more calmly now.

"There's nothing to think about, I want a rematch," I shifted from Eli.

"Fine," he gave in.

I looked at Anonymous, "rematch?" I stuck out a hand for him to shake.

"Rematch," his voice was so deep and I swear it sounded really familiar. I'd even say it sounded like Ace's but I shrugged the thought off.

He shook my hand and I noticed that he was wearing gloves like I was but his was different, his covered his entire hand while mine covered only the palm of my hands and not the fingers.

"Next Friday," Theo announced.

"I can't next Friday, make it Saturday," I said.

"Next Friday or no rematch," Anonymous said and I took in a breath.

"Fine, next Friday." I nodded.

With one last look at Anonymous I walked away with Eli in tow.

Five minutes after I was sitting in the passenger's seat of Eli's car as Eli drove. He gave Nick the keys to my Lambo to take home while he drove me home.

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