Fifty Eight

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The man led me through the house and downstairs till he stopped at a door and I took that's as my cue to walk in

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The man led me through the house and downstairs till he stopped at a door and I took that's as my cue to walk in.

It was an office, a big one with lavish furniture and decor. Dimitri was seated at the big desk while in front of him sat Ace, Alex, Gianni and Diego, they were occupying the couches in front of the desk.

I held my head high as I marched to the front of the desk.

"I want nothing to do with the mafia." I said with finality in my voice.

Dimitri sat back, taken aback by my sudden courage, he was the Don after all and he should be feared but I did the opposite.

"My sweet daughter, I'm sorry but you have no choi-"

"I have a choice and I choose not to be part of the mafia," I cut in, surprising him once again. "You can't force me."

"I can and I-"

"You will do no such thing," another voice took the words right out of my mouth, this time it was a familiar voice.

We all turned towards the door where my father, Aaron and mother were standing. Without thinking I ran towards them, first throwing myself on my father.

He caught me with ease and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. "Are you okay? Hope you're not hurt."

"I'm fine dad, what are you doing here?" I looked at his face which was filled with worry.

"I came to take you home," he planted a kiss on my forehead and let go of me so I could hug mother.

"My baby, are you alright?" For that moment I had forgotten that I had so many questions for her, I was just so happy to see her again.

"I'm fine mum," I said with my head buried in the crook of her neck.

"How did you get in here?" Dimitri's voice startled me and I jumped out of my mother's hold.

"Have you forgotten the power I hold too?" Dad said as he took a seat on one of the chairs in front of the desk. "Please sit Mr. Russo, we have so much to talk about."

Dad was sounding so calm, as if he wasn't talking to the man who kidnapped his daughter hours ago.

Dimitri went silent for a while before he sat down. "Leave us."

Everyone began to leave the room and I only moved when it was just my mother and I. There were men all suited up in front of the office and I began to wonder if those men came with my parents or they were in this house before.

Ace led us to the living room and disappeared again.


I know you have so many questions," she placed her hand on my arm. "Dimitri is right, he's your biological father."

"Then why didn't you tell me all these while? And does daddy know?"

"Remember the night we told you we were getting a divorce?" Now it all made sense!

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