Fifty Nine

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"What is the update on Russia? I asked Alex as I walked into his room.

"What else could they want? Kill the only living daughter of the Italian Don." He spoke so carelessly like it wasn't an issue.

"How did they find out? It was highly confidential." I dropped my hands to my waist.

"The walls have ears Ace." He paused. "Simon's phone was bugged." He typed away on his phone.

Simon was a member of the mafia and a part of the inner circle. When Dimitri had first given me Alex and this job, he was one of the person's that helped with the planning.

I released a breath of relief, happy to know that we didn't have a mole with us but we still needed to be extra careful. All our phones and devices would need to be searched and the estate too.

After much investigation we found out that Red and the West gang of North Wind was working with the Russians to kill Olivia.

It made sense now. After getting information by bugging Simon's phone, they sent Red in just like Dimitri had sent me and Alex only that Red's job was to kill her. I believed the bombing was too much, but if I knew the Russian's well, I wouldn't put it past them to be their idea.

Olivia was lucky.

"What are we going to do with the Russians?" I asked.

"That's all up to Dimitri now." He looked up from his phone now. "Ace you should rest. It's been a tough year."

I didn't need to be told twice. However, I couldn't, I wouldn't until Olivia and I was on some sort of levelled ground.

I nodded anyways and left Alex's room, heading for mine.

"Honestly Ace, I'm impressed, I didn't know you could pull this off." Esther said the moment I walked into my room.

I sat on the bed and ran my hand through my hair for the hundredth time today. "It was my job Esther." I looked up at her. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," she stood up from the couch placed at one corner of my room and made her way to me.

"Don't you have something to do? Work?" I pushed her hand that was reaching for my face away.

She pouted but sat beside me. "I'm done for today."

"Go home then." The space between us was almost non-existent and that pissed me off. "Get out of my room Esther." I knew what she was doing and I wasn't going to let her have her way.

"Come on Ace, don't be like this." She tried to touch my shoulder but I was quick to stand up from the bed.

"Esther, get out." I pointed to the door.

She pouted again. "Are you doing this because your girlfriend is here?"

"Even if my girlfriend wasn't here, I still wouldn't tolerate this." I wondered how someone's daughter could be this difficult.

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