Fifty Six

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I stirred and turned to the side, wanting to get more comfortable. The sheets beneath me were soft and I wanted to lay on the bed forever. A moan of satisfaction left my lips when I found a comfortable position and remained like that.

Then the memory hit me. Me in the airport parking lot and some strange men attacking me, me struggling against them before I finally gave in and was engulfed in darkness.

My eyes shot open and my entire being was instantly awake. I was in a room I couldn't recognize and that only fueled my panic.

I jumped off the bed and ran for the window by the bed. The window was shut tightly but the view in front of me had me forgetting that one detail. The place was beautiful. From the looks of it, this was a mansion and the owner is swimming in a pool of money. Made me wonder why the fuck I was taken.

I had no idea where I was or what time it was. I looked around the room and I was equally amazed. The furniture and the decor was top notch. If I wasn't held here against my will I'd want to live here for the rest of my life. The room looked like that of a typical teenage girl whose parents were extremely rich. My room at home was nothing compared to this though the arrangement was a little similar.

I made my way to the door and tried to open it but it was locked, as expected. I began pounding my fists on the door, hoping that someone would hear me and at least give me an explanation as to why I was here.

"Let me out!" I didn't stop banging on the door even when my hands were tired.

I only stopped when I heard a beep coming from the other side of the door. I didn't even know it was keypad locked.

I moved all the way to the window on the other side of the room and I waited for the door to open. A man I had never seen in my life stood at the door with a sick smile on his face.

"Olivia, welcome home!" He opened his arms as if expecting me to hug him.

"Who the fuck are you? And why am I here?" My eyes remained trained on the man.

"I see I was never talked about," he shook his head and he reached out to the back of his jeans and brought out a gun.

I gasped, not expecting that. He held the gun out to a man who was obviously standing outside the door and the man took the gun.

"Get those two men for me will you?" The man outside the room muttered a low 'yes sir' in response before I heard footsteps walking away.

"Well let me introduce myself." He fully walked into the room and if it was possible to enter the wall, I would have at that point. "My name is Dimitri, and I'm your father."

I laughed because that was the only thing I could do at that point. The man in front of me wasn't making any logical sense, at all and I was convinced that he had a problem upstairs.

"I think you have the wrong person." I finally said after some moments of laughter. I was nearly rolling on the floor but I knew that if I did so, I'd look like the mad person.

"I'm positive it's you Olivia." He sat on the edge of the bed. "Maybe you should sit," he pated on the space beside him. "Let me explain it all to you."

I shook my head, "no." I had no idea who this man was or how he got to know my name, all I wanted to do was wake up from this insane dream.

The man groaned now and looked at the door. "Maybe Ace will be able to convince you."


This was all a coincidence. I couldn't even make sense of all this. How was Ace involved in all this?

"What took you guys so long?" Dimitri said with a throw of his hands in the air.

I looked at the door and I swear the life in me disappeared, Ace and Alex where inside the room. My mouth was on the floor and my eyes widened I couldn't wrap my head around it all. As I stared at Ace, the questions kept popping and I felt like I was going insane.

I felt lightheaded and I nearly lost my footing but was quick to get myself back. Ace was by my side in a flash, his hand around me, keeping me steady. I pushed his hand away, wanting nothing to do with him at that moment and I wasn't ready to unless I had answers.

"Olivia you need to sit," I heard him say and he started guiding me towards the chair and desk in the room.

"Get your hands off me!" I suddenly regained strength and was able to push him away.

"Olivia you need to sit," Alex said now.

I couldn't even look at him to see his facial expression.

"No," I was hell bent on not sitting until I had answers. "I'm fine."

"You do-" I sent a glare to Ace and he kept shut instantly.

"This all has to be a coincidence." I shook my head and looked between all three men. I need to wake up from this dream and if it isn't a dream all I need to hear is that this is all a sick prank.

"It's not a coincidence Olivia," Ace reached into his front pocket and pulled out a piece of paper then handed it to me.

I slowly took it from his hands, and unfolded it. It was a paternity test, which was recent, just today. As I stared at the paper my whole life crumbled before me. In conclusion, I was not being lied to or pranked, the man, Dimitri was my father.

"Do you believe me now?" Dimitri stood up from the bed and straightened his clothes.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this," Ace said to me but I couldn't even look at him.

"And I'm sorry your father is a piece of shit." A new voice said and I looked up this time.

I didn't know who he was but he had a striking resemblance to Diego, Ace's eldest brother. What the actual fuck was going on here?

"What the fuck bro?" Dimitri was obviously insulted by the unknown man's voice.

"If only you had a little patience, Ace and Alex' work wouldn't have gone to waste." The man had a glare directed at Dimitri.

"Why don't we leave Olivia to get herself together?" Alex said just as Dimitri was about to say something in response.

All but Ace walked out of the room.

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