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Ace Matteo

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Ace Matteo.

Thanks to social media, I searched him up on Facebook first but didn't see anyone that looked like him.

I found him on Instagram, but it was a lot more difficult than you could imagine. I had to try every combination of his name before I could find him. Most of his posts were pictures of him in Italy, and he actually had a good number of followers.

He had only posted one picture since he supposedly moved from Italy, but why did he choose North Wind of all places? This town was pretty small.

His posts comprised beautiful sceneries, food and the likes of it. Only a few had his face in it. He was clearly into photography.

Apart from the nerdy look, when he cleaned up well, he was really good looking, like really good looking. I'd actually say he was hot. In all his pictures, it was his eyes that were really captivating. I just loved how they seemed to draw you in.

I could tell he was very cryptic and liked to be on his own. If his goal was to blend into the crowd and go invincible, he was doing a good job at that. If not that he kept looking at me with that annoying smirk on his face, I'd probably never notice him like this.

Having an idea, I picked up my phone and dialed his number. He picked on the second ring.

"Liv, how's it going? You don't have a race again until Friday," Eli said immediately as he picked the call.

"Yeah, I know. I need you to help me with something." I bit my lip, not sure how he was going to react.

"Yeah, sure, anything," he answered, and I exhaled in relief.

"I need you to help me do a little research on someone," I started and waited for him to say something.


"His name is Ace Matteo. He goes to my school, a nerd, but he's really weird," I finally said.

"Aren't all nerds weird?" I could imagine his eyebrows furrowing in confusion at my words.

"Yeah, I know, but he's just on another level of weird. He keeps giving me this look in the hallway and at lunch, it's getting on my nerves." I shuddered and opened my top drawer, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"Hmm, I'll see what I can get for you. I've got to go. I'll call you later." He hung up.

Taking out a stick and lighting it, I stood up to open my windows wider to let the smoke go out.

No one in my house knew I smoked, well they thought I didn't do it anymore. My dad once caught me smoking, and he threw out my entire packet of it, ransacked my room for any other hidden ones, and even threw away my lighter.

He made me promise to never smoke again. After that day, I really wanted to quit smoking, but it was hard. I stopped for like two weeks. I even told Eli to stop smoking around me and he did, but when I couldn't hold it any longer, I was at a store getting another pack and a lighter.

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